View Full Version : Help me Najma Nemo any1 plz

21-10-2005, 19:02

how r u all i need help if possible in any way frm u lot im in bristol ryt nw in city centre i dont hv any money 2 go bk n no 1 knoz dat im ere my numba is (Mobi number removed on upon request!) call me n plz help me i cant even go bk. my mum n dad keep phonin me but i dont ansa it coz i cant go bk. but den again dey gana b worried.

21-10-2005, 19:07
oh my days!

im sooo confused what the hell are you doing in bristol?

and if you dotn ahve any money how are you on the net?

21-10-2005, 19:10
i browed 50p frm ppl n i came on net 2 tell u lot im fucked naj if u read dis n plz check ur mail aswell.

21-10-2005, 19:10
lol seems like a desperate cry for attention.!

why did you put your number up? how the hell can anyone on this forum help you? it's hardly likely that one of us is by any chance superman, and flees over to your rescue. gosh, get some professional help

$xy $onz
21-10-2005, 19:19
y dnt u jus ansa ur perents cald it wud b common sense n tel em u ent got no money n dey can send sum1 or cum themselves 2 get u

21-10-2005, 19:31
right think its best you do what dadi said

just answer your parents calls and tell them where you are

you are one silly billy you know that? whats the point coming if you dont any money?

use your brain

$xy $onz
21-10-2005, 19:37
init y go sum wher if u knw u ent got enuff money wat a muppet

wil wen dey call u u best ansa it yeh

21-10-2005, 20:05
how on earth did u manage that?8)

21-10-2005, 20:11
o my fuckin days u mad i cnt belive wher r u guna sleep eat o my daysxxxxxxxxxx

$xy $onz
21-10-2005, 20:11
his a muppet try n get in a vheap hotel

21-10-2005, 20:29
soo stupid did u even tink b4 u went hun. hai hai u make me wrry soo much xxxxxxxxxxxx

21-10-2005, 20:33
i dont fink he did...

and y u worryin bout him 4?8)

21-10-2005, 20:41
i dunno i wrry bwt everythin xxxxxxx

21-10-2005, 20:48
awww...bless ur cotton chaddiz..~)

21-10-2005, 21:04
lol hehe chaddizxxxxxxxxxxx

21-10-2005, 21:05
luvin the word huh?luveyes

21-10-2005, 21:06
wat r u doin mate, no money nothing......well giv yr parents a call swallow yr pride

Lyricall Paki Gyal
21-10-2005, 21:11
lolzz ahhahah

Englaand di billo
21-10-2005, 23:04

how r u all i need help if possible in any way frm u lot im in bristol ryt nw in city centre i dont hv any money 2 go bk n no 1 knoz dat im ere my numba is 07746447122 call me n plz help me i cant even go bk. my mum n dad keep phonin me but i dont ansa it coz i cant go bk. but den again dey gana b worried.

u silly bum! shud hav told me b4!! i was in twn all day 2day, o well i hope ur ok nw! if nt, as u go in2 twn, there shud b sum guyz sellin big issue, go gt sum off thm nd make urself a few bob 2 gt bak 2 ur hme

22-10-2005, 10:56
oho...salaami bein helpful 2 a stranger?

watz the world come to?:|

22-10-2005, 11:00
does ne1 know if he's gone home or if he got any help?:D

22-10-2005, 11:01
dunno..u could ask him..8)

22-10-2005, 11:03
i dont fink he's online...:D hehe jus seems sad dat no has helped him...:p

22-10-2005, 11:04
or..it coulda been a hoax...2 get sum of the gyalz here 2 see him...8)

22-10-2005, 11:06
lol, joka...i need to concentrate on dis essay so i'm gonna go aite c ya taz

22-10-2005, 11:07
okaly dokaly..

am off as well..taytaybananadanc

22-10-2005, 14:50
oh my fukin days! wtf r u doin in bristol wiv no money? r u crazy? dnt u use ur brain, i swear dwn ur mental damn....wer u at nw?

Arbash Shaikh
22-10-2005, 15:30
zaheem u mad or sumthin!!!!!!

22-10-2005, 16:58
jesus. why would anyone go anywhere without any money? its craziness i tell thee! craziness! unless its something really really important and you need to go somewhere really fast and you have no choice........thats always difficult. but if you went to pick up some girls or see a stripshow then tut tut sir. TUT TUT <)

ruby angel
22-10-2005, 23:07
wtf?!?!.....he gone mental??? or duz he want attention???

23-10-2005, 10:28
Sorry i couldnt reply bk 2 any of ur posts but thank u very much 2 every1 hu tired 2 help me 4 example Nemo Billo every1 but no need 2 worri. I tricked da National Rail service got on at 9pm frm dwn dere n i got home 12:30 fuckin long travel could hv went pakistan in dat much tym. oh well jo hogiya so hogiya. Naj im cumin dwn soon last tym was jst 2 take a luk around but im cumin abt a day afta Eid or sumthing i will let u kno. 1s again thank u very much every1. Rubi i would I want any 1s attentaion Nemo luk rubi still goin on abt it LOLz.

23-10-2005, 10:32
U kno me jst lik ur appi bit crazy bit mental lol anyways im at home nw man dat was a jounery n a half I lik da place dwn dere but busses baffed me sum unknown busses name lik NXL it doesnt even say where its goin can u believe it I didnt even spend 1pence on 50P wen i was at cafe dere.tlk 2 u l8a on msn around 8 9 take care

oh my fukin days! wtf r u doin in bristol wiv no money? r u crazy? dnt u use ur brain, i swear dwn ur mental damn....wer u at nw?

23-10-2005, 19:48
Sorry i couldnt reply bk 2 any of ur posts but thank u very much 2 every1 hu tired 2 help me 4 example Nemo Billo every1 but no need 2 worri. I tricked da National Rail service got on at 9pm frm dwn dere n i got home 12:30 fuckin long travel could hv went pakistan in dat much tym. oh well jo hogiya so hogiya. Naj im cumin dwn soon last tym was jst 2 take a luk around but im cumin abt a day afta Eid or sumthing i will let u kno. 1s again thank u very much every1. Rubi i would I want any 1s attentaion Nemo luk rubi still goin on abt it LOLz.

your crazy what dd you think you could do without money?

$xy $onz
23-10-2005, 20:07
wil im gald ur at home u cud of had us all worid if we didnt hear 4m u u muppet

nx tym if u go ne wher wivout money ur gna get my jhota hittin ur face samje ur not alwd 2 go ne wher if u dnt hav enuff money

23-10-2005, 21:22
wil im gald ur at home u cud of had us all worid if we didnt hear 4m u u muppet

nx tym if u go ne wher wivout money ur gna get my jhota hittin ur face samje ur not alwd 2 go ne wher if u dnt hav enuff money

In 1 hand thank you n oda I didnt even plan 2 go dere 2 tell u da truth i dont kno y i went dere dadi ji lolz ya im suprised myself im bk n didnt even spend a P nxt tym wen i go in dis kind of situation nxt tym i will let all u kno 4 bin dere 4 me wen i wasnt even planin 2 go thank u very1 Naj u pgal kurri u didnt call me on dat numba lucky i came bk same nyt if i was on ur w8in of a call den i gues i still b up dere sumwer. bless all u ppl may Allah make life easier n giv u longer life Aameen.

$xy $onz
23-10-2005, 21:26
wil dats gud u got back safe n sound nx tym dnt mata wher u go evn out 4 a work u shus always hav a bit of cas on ya ok

Arbash Shaikh
23-10-2005, 21:41
atlast zaheem is bakk !!!!!!!!

23-10-2005, 23:22
hmm...u would be happy...

btw..do u eva smile?8)

24-10-2005, 12:34
yo Arbash y u gettin worried man u kno wagwan get me. meaning how much im in2 her.

24-10-2005, 13:39
personally i think u jus chatted aload of shit bout getting lost and tht....attention seeking n yr seem sick twisted stalker with this naj person....anyway who is she on the site........

24-10-2005, 20:37
homie no offence but plz mind ur own business if u dont kno nuffin den dont say nuffin plz even tho if u knew anything u wouldnt hv done anything abt it n far as Naj she is my sis and wot

24-10-2005, 20:39
well u chat a bit of crap to be honest i mean y the hell would u take time to go on a web site, put yr num ther n wait for some1 to contact u wen u cld jus ask some random person.....yr 'story' went a bit far
but u got 1 bit rite i wouldnt of dune anything for u cos u dnt deserve it

24-10-2005, 20:50

sowwie...i sound rude..?>

24-10-2005, 20:56
Zaheeem...broooooooo u sound like sum1 whoze had a deprived childhood...geeeeeez...
Dass gota b da lamest, shittiest, silliest, stooopidest, tuttiest, gayest, crappest, rubbishest, dumest, retardedest story i've eva herd in my whole 18 yearz of livin...guyz a joke...
All u ppl sympathizin wit da gay...all i cna sya 2 u guyz iz wake up n smell da fukin paratha...

Oh n Zaheem howz Aliyah deze dayz? Lmao...or u moved on 2 Naj?

XxX Naz XxX

24-10-2005, 20:56
who u laughing at

24-10-2005, 21:06
i was laffin at the theory u put 4ward as to wat zaheem probably really did do..and the fact that it most certainly may be true...and the fact that no one would actually do nefin 4 him...

well may be not exactly no1..
but at least a majority..
damn..me sound extremely evil..Muahaha

24-10-2005, 21:10
lol but y would u come on the site, its thelast place most ppl would come family friends is the 1st place init

24-10-2005, 21:11
exactly my point..i mentioned it b4...

thatz jus the stupidest fing to do...:|

25-10-2005, 10:40
well wot if dere was no oda way n dis was my 1st n last option den?

25-10-2005, 15:53
well then u hav no life do u lol
how can a website b yr last option honestly tell me who the hell do u think would pick up their fone n waste their credit or wat on u jus so u feel tht little tiny whiny bit better.....giv me 1 person frm this site tht would honestly call u

25-10-2005, 16:53
LOLLLLLLLLLLL @ paki rude gal and homie taking the piss outta zaheem, funny shit.
I'm sticking to what i said origionally which is :

"lol seems like a desperate cry for attention.!

why did you put your number up? how the hell can anyone on this forum help you? it's hardly likely that one of us is by any chance superman, and flees over to your rescue. gosh, get some professional help"

AH zaheem, zaheem, zaheem...!

26-10-2005, 22:34
wot can i say jst wot oda's say if u cant beat dem join dem but 4 me its ignore dem