View Full Version : I Invaded England Yesterday

Scottish Larka
23-10-2005, 14:59
Went to Sunderland to see my bro there and well people I was dissapointed in Sunderland, was a load of rubbish. Was expecting it to be at least decent but its boring and just crap. Went to Newcastle for a little bit and thought that was much better and wouldnt mind going back there. In the end though was glad to get back to Glasgow :)

23-10-2005, 19:15
too right, glasgow is tha best.!

23-10-2005, 19:43
too right, glasgow is tha best.!

thats what YOU think :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Scottish Larka
23-10-2005, 21:16
nah, thats what we know!! :D

23-10-2005, 21:18
no no huni youve got it all wrong

but i guess thats you point of view coz thats your home

like they say theres no place like home

$xy $onz
23-10-2005, 21:18
nope its not da best

Scottish Larka
23-10-2005, 21:19
Glasgow cant be beat, it is the best city in the whole UK. ALL HAIL GLASGOW!! bowdown

$xy $onz
23-10-2005, 21:20
no no huni youve got it all wrong

but i guess thats you point of view coz thats your home

like they say theres no place like home

yeh dats tru

$xy $onz
23-10-2005, 21:21
Glasgow cant be beat, it is the best city in the whole UK. ALL HAIL GLASGOW!! bowdown

nah dnt fink so m8

Scottish Larka
23-10-2005, 21:21
But i do :p

$xy $onz
23-10-2005, 21:24
wil its jus gna b u n miss khan finkin dat

Scottish Larka
23-10-2005, 21:25
yup yup, we shall speak the truth.

$xy $onz
23-10-2005, 21:27
lolz nah not truth jus ur lots opinion

Scottish Larka
23-10-2005, 21:28
the opinions which we speak are the truth. it cant be denied at all, dont resist the truth :p

$xy $onz
23-10-2005, 21:32
erm no it ent da truth cuz 2 us it ent

Scottish Larka
23-10-2005, 21:33
uuuhhhh what?

23-10-2005, 21:34
right, ok iits the truth in your eyes but not ours.....hows that sound lol

$xy $onz
23-10-2005, 21:34
i said it ent da best cuz 2 us lot it ent

Scottish Larka
23-10-2005, 21:35
lol ah ok, most of the txt talk goes right over my head. need to read it twice to make sure i get it right :p

$xy $onz
23-10-2005, 21:37
its not tx talk its cald slang

Scottish Larka
23-10-2005, 21:39
last time i checked, slang dont have numbers in it 8)

23-10-2005, 21:41
lets just agree to disagree huh. i think we all have an affinity to where we live:)

24-10-2005, 00:16
u alll are jus jealous bcoz ur not from glasgow lol x

Scottish Larka
24-10-2005, 07:43
thats right khany, you tell them!! lol

24-10-2005, 12:07
mayb we shd al take a trip dwn 2 glasgow! c hw we lyk it....lol den we cn al move in wid scottish larka n miss khan! lol

Scottish Larka
24-10-2005, 12:19
move in!? eeehhh naw im away on holiday on that day lol

24-10-2005, 12:20
sure u r!!! bt its ok il arrange 4 a minivan of us lot 2 cum dwn let mw knw wen u get bak in twn lol

Scottish Larka
24-10-2005, 12:42
ehh new plans, im emigrating :p

24-10-2005, 13:40
nah bruvs its all bout london thts wher its at these days come dwn one day n see for yrself

Mr Sandman
24-10-2005, 13:45
lets just agree to disagree huh. i think we all have an affinity to where we live:)

True, not all of us like ancient castles, haggis and kilt wearing men (they're just cross dressers in denial) playing annoying bagpipes.
On the other hand, some people prefer that sort of scene, so its only natural that one would be custom to it.
Thought i'd also mention the lousy national football team who failed to qualify for next years world cup, LOL.

Scottish Larka
24-10-2005, 14:36
Homie : Been to london a few times but didnt really like it, its ok but too hectic for me.

Sandman : This coming from a country that wants Morris Dancers to be part of the opening show at the Olympics. That alone makes england a laughing stock :p

24-10-2005, 20:07
oh my days whats the point argueing and dissing each other

ok you think glasgows the best we think where we live is the best everyone has their own point of view


24-10-2005, 21:29
hu wnts 2 go on a film trip b4 he emigrates? lol

Mr Sandman
25-10-2005, 14:20
oh my days whats the point argueing and dissing each other

ok you think glasgows the best we think where we live is the best everyone has their own point of view


lol we're not arguing or dissing.

i agree about the morris dancers...but if we look deeper into that, its england thats hosting the olympics :D

25-10-2005, 15:48
Scotland...or England who gives a fuck? At the end of the day, we're all still Asian lol

25-10-2005, 15:51
oooo check u

25-10-2005, 15:52
lol well it's true....isn't it? As if white people don;'t hate us enough...lol why we gotta hate on each other?

25-10-2005, 15:55
tru tht tru tht, i'm with ya................sorta..............

25-10-2005, 16:15
what cha mean sorta??? you're either with me or you're not, which one?

25-10-2005, 16:21
i with ya lol

25-10-2005, 16:24
salamz ppl

if a reporter came up2 ya n sed r u british or u asian what wud u reply?

25-10-2005, 16:25
asian of course y............

25-10-2005, 16:40
way to go.lol

25-10-2005, 16:42
Asian obviosuly, not being arrogant, although i live in Britain, gotta keep the roots alive, or the next generation will just blend in and think they are Goreh, can't have that now can we?

25-10-2005, 16:43
Hm, actually speaking of that.. how many of us still have religious/cultural values?? Not very many... what is the real difference between whites n asians? (apart from the colour lol)

Scottish Larka
25-10-2005, 18:28
Khanny we aint hatin eachother!, its just banter! :D . Gotta have a pisstake with eachother

25-10-2005, 19:46
alright brand new, in that case scottish people are WAAAAY more chilled out and down to earth than these stuck up english ones , no one can disagree x

25-10-2005, 20:09
scottish people r rascist

25-10-2005, 20:21

btw..i still hold to my roots..or try 2..

$xy $onz
25-10-2005, 20:29
ryt miss khan yeh we ent jelous of u lot my m8z cuzinz r 4m glasgow yeh n my m8z went 2 der cuzns wedding n it was shyt in der eyes n every1 loves der own home town mor den ne other place

Scottish Larka
25-10-2005, 20:38
my mates this my mates that blah blah blah blah blah

$xy $onz
25-10-2005, 20:40
wel y wud i go 2 a place wher i dnt knw no1 obviously da ppl who do knw sum1 der wud go

Scottish Larka
25-10-2005, 20:43
damn chill out, next thing they'll be rumours going round that english dont have sense of humour.

$xy $onz
25-10-2005, 20:45
yeh wel if its a stupid pathetic joke den obviously nah we wont init

Scottish Larka
25-10-2005, 20:46
for fook sake, you cant even have a laugh these days. what world coming too.

25-10-2005, 20:46
soni, i think you are getting a bit too excited, calm down dear...its only a commercial.

25-10-2005, 20:50
er...8) ...........

$xy $onz
25-10-2005, 20:54
u knw wat taz i find scotish ppl anoyin

Scottish Larka
25-10-2005, 20:54

$xy $onz
25-10-2005, 20:58
n da moral of dat pik is..............???????

25-10-2005, 20:58
oho....plz dont hate ecah other...this is forum for er creatin luv..*dayam..that soundz wrong..*...

not hatin..plz be fwendz...;(

Scottish Larka
25-10-2005, 20:59
esure advert - " calm down dear, its just a commercial "

25-10-2005, 21:01

$xy $onz
25-10-2005, 21:03
wateva dats jus pathetic wat u tryin 2 prove

25-10-2005, 21:05
what is pathetic?

Scottish Larka
25-10-2005, 21:06
and what am I trying to prove?

$xy $onz
25-10-2005, 21:08
ur adverts dats wat

Scottish Larka
25-10-2005, 21:08
eehhh ok then.

25-10-2005, 21:10
errrrrrrrrr.............right, ookkkkkkk then.

25-10-2005, 21:10
jus smile and wave boyz..smile and wave..bananadanc

26-10-2005, 00:00
taz. you watch far to much madagascar:| although i dont blame you. that film so rocks:|

can we fling poo at them now?:|

26-10-2005, 11:56
alright brand new, in that case scottish people are WAAAAY more chilled out and down to earth than these stuck up english ones , no one can disagree x

i CAN disagree

i aint stuck up and most of the people i know arent stuck up either

and we are chilled, you dont know us so why judge us?

26-10-2005, 12:49
i personally have to say i'm not stuck up i really easy going n its easy to get along with me
well from the ppl tht no me tht prob rite
who can vouch for me lol n i'm an essex boy but i dnt act like 1
i think i'm ok
who agree with me lol

26-10-2005, 13:33
taz. you watch far to much madagascar:| although i dont blame you. that film so rocks:|

can we fling poo at them now?:|
a fellow madagascar viewer..yourock ..and so does madagscar..:p ...
and why do we hav 2 fling poo?..i cant rememba that bit..8)

26-10-2005, 14:07
i personally have to say i'm not stuck up i really easy going n its easy to get along with me
well from the ppl tht no me tht prob rite
who can vouch for me lol n i'm an essex boy but i dnt act like 1
i think i'm ok
who agree with me lol

i agree with you, you cna chat about any shit with him hehe

26-10-2005, 14:40
lol see ppl hehehehehe

27-10-2005, 00:19
the monkeys in madagascar are always going on about flinging poo. it just seems a chimp thing to do. bless those chimps. i salute you primates of all kinds:D

28-10-2005, 13:05
i dint know they were monkeyz...i thought they were meerkats 8)