View Full Version : Deadly tornadoes batter Florida

02-02-2007, 18:32

Tornadoes and severe thunderstorms that swept across the US state of Florida have left at least 14 people dead, local officials say.

The storms ripped roofs off scores of houses and left thousands without power across a central swathe of the state.

Residents described severe storms and "almost continuous lightning".
The deaths occurred in Lake County, where some of the worst of the damage was reported.

Rescuers spread out over the area to search for more victims.
The storms hit during the night, at about 0315 (0815 GMT), when most residents were sleeping.

"It woke me out of a dead sleep," David Wholly told the Orlando Sentinel newspaper.
"I heard the noise, and it sounded like a train coming and I ran to the bathroom.

The tree went right through the bedroom window where my head was."


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