View Full Version : Ohvees' Nahmeens

11-02-2007, 01:50
I have been witnessing some people taking a dislike towards Ohvees over usage of “nahmean”. After conducting some research , I have narrowed down the public opinion to two options…

Is Ohvees use of the word “nahmean” Cringeworthy…or is it all good?

11-02-2007, 01:52
i dont like... sorry

*~*LiL MiSs PaGaL*~*
11-02-2007, 01:54
getin a bit old...

11-02-2007, 02:10
i dnt get it

but its cringworthy nontheless

11-02-2007, 02:20
Nothin but love for the man's phrases...

We all got our own signature words/phrases so i dun see the problem

Iroquois Pliskin
11-02-2007, 02:33
lol this is deep.. wonder what ohh vee will say.. i can't say much.. i don't have a dislike to it nor does it make me cringe..

11-02-2007, 02:50
its all good
oh vee dnt worry abt it fela
am sure vry1 has there words..

11-02-2007, 03:19
Dont have a problem with it. He can say/do/think as he likes :)

11-02-2007, 03:21
well its just a poll... people can make polls... but nahmeen is old school..., if only there was an inbetween choice.. but never the less ive casted my vote!

11-02-2007, 03:23
nah its all gravy man....nortamaayynn??? lol...ohh vees a cool guy...i see dat his rockin it, rock on vee vee

11-02-2007, 05:22
its all good

Ohh Vee
11-02-2007, 12:41
I am who I am... if anyone has a problem, deal with it! I've got nothing but love for this place and get on with everyone on this forum. Its a shame to see some people going against me over something so little and petty.

All I can say to that is, Know Your Role and Shut Your Hole!

P.S! for those who have supported me, thank you!

11-02-2007, 13:32
datz a gudline ohh vee, nahmeen!

Ohh Vee
11-02-2007, 13:37
^^^ Thanx Fezzy... be careful not to over use it... people don't like it on here as you can already see...

*~*LiL MiSs PaGaL*~*
11-02-2007, 14:34
ur taking this a bit too personally... lighten up...

Ohh Vee
11-02-2007, 14:42
"a bit" too personally? honey... ur one of the persons who seems to have a problem with my "one" word!

11-02-2007, 15:19
Hmmm nuffin personal but i fink it sounds gay no matta who the person!
Ur luvley tho still Ohvee!kisshug

Wile am on the subject...Rizzy shud stop usin that shitty word 2! He uses it all d time n it duz ma nut in!:o [I fink u jus try windin me up half d time eni Rizzy?!<: ]

Ohh Vee
11-02-2007, 15:22
Opinion noted Naz....

*~*LiL MiSs PaGaL*~*
11-02-2007, 16:13
"a bit" too personally? honey... ur one of the persons who seems to have a problem with my "one" word!

i just said it getting old... i didnt say i have a problem with it.. jee get a grip

its not like i dont like u... :i

Ohh Vee
11-02-2007, 16:48
i just said it getting old... i didnt say i have a problem with it.. jee get a grip

its not like i dont like u... :i

Hmmm... well if you don't have a problem with it, I guess I should carry on using it ,:

*~*LiL MiSs PaGaL*~*
11-02-2007, 16:53
do as u please... i simply said what i thought... i'll just ignore it anyway...

PaKi PwInCeSs
11-02-2007, 18:46
If people aint bitching on each other for one thing its another..But nehoo..Personally i fink its all gud man..Nah mean..:D

11-02-2007, 19:00
oooh i think that we have touched a bit of an emotional area with ohh vee and his word ... can see him taking it a little bit too personal? lol

its jus a word, but yea it is kinda gay. lol

11-02-2007, 19:05
eh.... wen did that word becum gay
dont like it but do like oh vee

11-02-2007, 20:47
i dont see a problem with it.................

11-02-2007, 21:07
s`all good, nahmeaaaanage.


Ohh Vee
11-02-2007, 21:46
I'm not taking it personal but looks like a certain somebody created the thread for a little attention but its all good. Whatever floats your boat PKC :)

Ohh Vee
11-02-2007, 21:47
oooh i think that we have touched a bit of an emotional area with ohh vee and his word ... can see him taking it a little bit too personal? lol

its jus a word, but yea it is kinda gay. lol

What is so homosexual about the word... please elaborate? Does it go around bumming other words ,:

11-02-2007, 22:32
Hmmm nuffin personal but i fink it sounds gay no matta who the person!
Ur luvley tho still Ohvee!kisshug

Wile am on the subject...Rizzy shud stop usin that shitty word 2! He uses it all d time n it duz ma nut in!:o [I fink u jus try windin me up half d time eni Rizzy?!<: ]

Lolz i wouldnt do such a thing hypocrite!

11-02-2007, 23:19

so much commotion regarding a WORD.

I use/say that word...what`s the biggy bout it?

it`s just like some heads saying ''man'', 'innit'' etc etc

11-02-2007, 23:51
spacey summed it up lol ...
its only a word like man lol ...

oh vee ur a good lad
dnt let it get to u

Ohh Vee
11-02-2007, 23:56
Am not letting it get to me bruv. This forum does not restrict you from using such words so I will use whatever words I wish.

12-02-2007, 00:07
I'm not taking it personal but looks like a certain somebody created the thread for a little attention but its all good. Whatever floats your boat PKC :)

not the first time either

12-02-2007, 00:16

do it bruv...i know what you mean...yup yup

12-02-2007, 00:16
Aint got a prob wid it...it's all good!

12-02-2007, 02:33
Stop getting emotionally involved with this thread, if I wanted attention all I had to do is post a pic of my beautiful face and have the ladies creaming their panties…I am simply perpetrating the role of a messenger, and bringing statistical information to the masses. Your clearly taking this personally, losing so much hair over this sh*t that your already bald lol…well if this thread has had that much of an impact on you ill get the mods to delete it myself.

And to think that I voted for “its all good”…

12-02-2007, 02:44
losing so much hair over this sh*t that your already bald lol

HAHAHA nice one

12-02-2007, 03:01
I'm not taking it personal but looks like a certain somebody created the thread for a little attention but its all good. Whatever floats your boat PKC :)

it seems as though you are taking it personal though.
look at your previous posts on the subject.
im suprised your not crying over it telling every1 to 'stop picking on me why are you doing this for !?' :sad:

jus relax... im sure no harm was meant. lol

12-02-2007, 10:09

Ohh Vee
12-02-2007, 13:13
Ok this is getting out of control! PKC... you're a cool dude, I wasn't taking a BIG dig at you, I just didn't see the need in creating the thread on the matter that's all. Like I said before I get on well with everyone on this forum so can we all be one big happy family again please ,:

This matter is now officially closed NAHMEAN, lol!!!

12-02-2007, 13:14
happy family
yeh sure..
we all argue like brothers n sisters neway lol

Ohh Vee
12-02-2007, 13:39
Ha ha... ahem... do we ,:

12-02-2007, 16:04
It's All Good. . .

12-02-2007, 16:14
oooooh very close

12-02-2007, 16:59
init! 12 ppl wid u!! :D

12-02-2007, 17:43
Ohvee its all good man, your cool too... i can see where your coming from..there wasnt really any need for this thread brov...

Ohh Vee
12-02-2007, 18:29
One love is all we need :D

13-02-2007, 04:57
a dnt mind it

13-02-2007, 14:20
its ok seems quite cutexxxx

13-02-2007, 19:55
its all good nahmean :D

13-02-2007, 21:14
Nahmeen Mubarak Oh Vee, it's all good...:D

14-02-2007, 10:26
Not really bothered..........

14-02-2007, 17:12
Ohvee its all good man, your cool too... i can see where your coming from..there wasnt really any need for this thread brov...
LMAO kiss and make up :p

14-02-2007, 20:25
lol,For sure , its valentines I might as well…had it been any other day I would’ve pissed in your asshole for that comment…

15-02-2007, 00:11
^ lol is pissing in other guys assholes a fetish of yours?

15-02-2007, 01:09
He has a fetish for you. :p

15-02-2007, 01:16
^ my sexiness has got no boundaries, i even attract faggots, sorry to disappoint my man but Crispy got a strict policy of no homo

15-02-2007, 02:03
Good good.

btw..how old r u?

Ohh Vee
15-02-2007, 09:42
Weedy... PM the guy nahmean... pffffffft @ u!

15-02-2007, 09:58
Weedy... PM the guy nahmean... pffffffft @ u!

this thread still alive

15-02-2007, 19:29
I have no sexual tendencies for men…let alone ones named after a breakfast cereals

Ohh Vee
15-02-2007, 19:42
this thread still alive

I know... Ohh Vee is popular nahmean :D

15-02-2007, 19:57
I have no sexual tendencies for men…let alone ones named after a breakfast cereals

I appreciate the official statement on the matter of your sexual orientation. It is also comforting to know that you dislike breakfast cereals, perhaps you should get a boyfriend who can cook you a nice meal in the morning instead of the standard breakfast cereal.

15-02-2007, 20:15
Well since I have already, officially, given a statement regarding my sexual orientation, implying that I am not a homosexual, your suggestion instructing me on getting a boyfriend has gone in vain…I apologise. However may I suggest you hire out some transvestite prostitutes and dress them up as snap crackle and pop - then shaft each of their d*cks up your vacant holes…I hear the Hussains will be more than willing,

15-02-2007, 20:17
Well since I have already, officially, given a statement regarding my sexual orientation, implying that I am not a homosexual, your suggestion instructing me on getting a boyfriend has gone in vain…I apologise. However may I suggest you hire out some transvestite prostitutes and dress them up as snap crackle and pop - then shaft each of their d*cks up your vacant holes…I hear the Hussains will be more than willing,

i hav been told i cannot make rash choices in punishment for members of the ap..

so il jus laff at the above bananadanc

15-02-2007, 21:00
^ looool i never seen a mod that likes beef more than u...propz champ

Well since I have already, officially, given a statement regarding my sexual orientation, implying that I am not a homosexual, your suggestion instructing me on getting a boyfriend has gone in vain…I apologise. However may I suggest you hire out some transvestite prostitutes and dress them up as snap crackle and pop - then shaft each of their d*cks up your vacant holes…I hear the Hussains will be more than willing,

Im afraid you've missed the point son. The fact or rumour that your a homo has not been dispersed just because you posted a few choice words. The fact that i said that you should get a boyfriend was an open questioning of the validity of your official statement regarding your sexual orientation. So perhaps you should stick to making up those lil homo stories which are obviously as a result of traumatic childhood due to the fact that your mother never closed her legs even after you gangbanged her with all the bitches and dickriders who follow you around saying "lol and lmao" to your homo stories which you probably spend all your sad life writing. And for the record the snap, crack and pop jokes are rinsed out and its a demonstation of how basic your sense of humour is.

15-02-2007, 22:25
LoooL You emo fag, your frustration over a petty net dispute is becoming apparent- On a serious note, all jokes aside…I think you need to go back to your mother and ask her to finish helping you grow up, since your attempt at insulting me using some emo fag sh*t like “you banged your mama”; only reflects your mums failure as a mother…I pity the woman son…its evident that she wasn’t ready to have a kid when she had you, you f*cking accident. Your sounding like some welfare check harbouring b*tch, living off government grant- whose parents have to bus’ their tale to get you that internet connection, probably so you can excel in your studies and make something of your self - when infact your using it to publicly display your parents failure in raising you…LoL, and that’s forreal my son.

16-02-2007, 00:15
ricey.... y bring family in2 it
only kids do that

16-02-2007, 00:16
raj is this thread stil alive?


16-02-2007, 00:17
Weedy... PM the guy nahmean... pffffffft @ u!
I can`t.

you do it for me. go go go.

16-02-2007, 00:18
man its too late for the bloody shakespear essays

wot happened to the good ol days of "yo mama"

16-02-2007, 00:20

This is pathetic now, why bring 'mother' into this..the whole family malarkey joke is beyond low.

man up and diss each other properly, or shut the fuk up, period.

16-02-2007, 01:16
LoooL You emo fag, your frustration over a petty net dispute is becoming apparent- On a serious note, all jokes aside…I think you need to go back to your mother and ask her to finish helping you grow up, since your attempt at insulting me using some emo fag sh*t like “you banged your mama”; only reflects your mums failure as a mother…I pity the woman son…its evident that she wasn’t ready to have a kid when she had you, you f*cking accident. Your sounding like some welfare check harbouring b*tch, living off government grant- whose parents have to bus’ their tale to get you that internet connection, probably so you can excel in your studies and make something of your self - when infact your using it to publicly display your parents failure in raising you…LoL, and that’s forreal my son.

LMAO my frustration, read what you wrote son. Your attempt to manifest your feelings of frustration and pin them on me is the pinnacle of stupidity. To me this whole thing is nothing more than tomfoolery in which frustation just cannot be living. Yet your feelings are evident in your following remark "all jokes aside". LOL is this getting serious for you son?

All i was saying is that you appear to use the Asian Place as a prism for your homosexual thoughts. The best response you can muster is calling me a "fag", but son i've been calling you this all along?!? Your only calling me this now?!? Its a bit late for the "your a fag" aswell remarks, its basic my man.

You say i need to grow up yet your pedomorphic behaviour is evident beyond this joke. At least mine is confined to this petty exchange of words. Even the best of us are childish at times, it would take a fool to deny it, but only the witless are immature over and above their maturity.

And wait this is the best part. You think that you can deduce the success or failure of one's parents from a minor internet beef. So your homo stories and the fact that people percieve you as a fag (this statement is supported by the AP polls) make your mother a successful one but me insulting your mother makes my mother a failure? Easy blud think about what your saying. Its apparent that you try to disguise your weak arguments in what i must admit is some pretty impressive prose. I dont know where you get that from but seeing as you may be a fag it wouldn't be a big step to suggest that you may have went to a public school. To add to all the stupidity you then contradict yourself by insulting my mother. Therefore according to your logic we both have mothers who are failures and everything you've said to me applies to you also.

I really must thank you for a couple of kind assumptions that you made. Firstly that my parents are hardworking and secondly that i have excelled in my studies. Its true to an extent but generally invalid.

Thanks for trying, dont get emotional son its nothin and the stories, they aight once in a while but generally they're homo and all ya groupies and dickriders just make you more of a wasteman. Your boring me now so have a nice life its over for me 1.

@ navi i cant be bothered to break it down to you.

16-02-2007, 01:38
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what what? whats that battyboy? you go soo much somalian spoonhead jizz up your ass that you changed your name to ishmail? what? i didnt quite get you there brov...can u repeat it ?

Ohh Vee
27-02-2007, 12:32
I was expecting something regarding me. lol