View Full Version : i am sooo sick of these women.......

23-02-2007, 15:53
what the hell is it with some women,
its like, giving you more that 3 minutes of thier time is impossible,

the last SIX girls i have talked too,
cant seem to give more than 2 minutes of thier time,
and are constantly never around, from start to finish.

i dont know what kind of relationship these girls want, wether its friendship/relationship or marriage.

but these women have no clue WHAT SOO EVER!!!

so tell me girlsm, are there any decent woman out there,
please let me know..
so answer this poll pleeaseeeeeeeBoooze

23-02-2007, 15:56
Why what is it exactly you want to talk about I give you 3 mins starting now.

23-02-2007, 15:57
LOL damn the women I chat to are just too eager to talk maybe your saying the wrong things or something

23-02-2007, 15:58
if these aint got time 4 u... means they dont wanna kno u

23-02-2007, 15:59
lol better hurry dude 666's is strict with her time...

n hey if some1 doesnt wana talk to u dont worry bout it, jus keep goin, some1 will eventually want to, and ul manage...oh wait ...brb

23-02-2007, 16:00
Why what is it exactly you want to talk about I give you 3 mins starting now.

what i mean, is time ,foor anything....
talking, dating,phoning.

its like some women, believe that 60 seconds a day, in sufficient for any kind of relationship,.

ive been talking to this one girl,
well......6 over this year.....
and itis like, no matter what time you contact them, its like ,they have to leave,
and this that putting a heart smiley on, is good enough.

women just dont make the effort anymore!!!!!
i dont ask for much,
i dont care about looks, or size or where you live.ect ect.

al i want is someone who will make the effort, not even that much.

just like giving me more than a few seconds to talk, or sendnig yma e-mial when i send one,
or phoning me, once and a while,
((especially after youve phoned them evertime for the last 3 months)

you know,, girls just make some effort!!

23-02-2007, 16:02
no comment.....

23-02-2007, 16:03
uhmm I usually send death threads in a cuban accent as vociemails before I call it always gets them to pick up then theyr like OMG ansar a cuban guy was threatening me

Im like dont worry youll be fine :D

23-02-2007, 16:04
what i mean, is time ,foor anything....
talking, dating,phoning.

its like some women, believe that 60 seconds a day, in sufficient for any kind of relationship,.

ive been talking to this one girl,
well......6 over this year.....
and itis like, no matter what time you contact them, its like ,they have to leave,
and this that putting a heart smiley on, is good enough.

women just dont make the effort anymore!!!!!
i dont ask for much,
i dont care about looks, or size or where you live.ect ect.

al i want is someone who will make the effort, not even that much.

just like giving me more than a few seconds to talk, or sendnig yma e-mial when i send one,
or phoning me, once and a while,
((especially after youve phoned them evertime for the last 3 months)

you know,, girls just make some effort!!

Maybe you should raise the bar, and expect good looks and a nice body, if a girl knows that all you want is some goodcoversation thats kinda yawn. Your either crap at making her feel special, or they really dont want to know you, so allow them, why waste your energy on someone who is not willing to recieve or return a call. Maybe its your fault, cause maybe they know that you want them, there fore they playing the 'i know you want me so im gna treat you like crap, and you will be around even after that' card.

Or may be you call too much, and they think your a psycho possesive guy, absence makes the heart grow fonder, dont call, let them get back to you, if they dont, then you know the answer.

23-02-2007, 16:04
no comment.....

dont worry, i didnt involve you in the poll:) :)
just others

23-02-2007, 16:05

23-02-2007, 16:08
Maybe you should raise the bar, and expect good looks and a nice body, if a girl knows that all you want is some goodcoversation thats kinda yawn. Your either crap at making her feel special, or they really dont want to know you, so allow them, why waste your energy on someone who is not willing to recieve or return a call. Maybe its your fault, cause maybe they know that you want them, there fore they playing the 'i know you want me so im gna treat you like crap, and you will be around even after that' card.

Or may be you call too much, and they think your a psycho possesive guy, absence makes the heart grow fonder, dont call, let them get back to you, if they dont, then you know the answer.

oh sweety,
i donrt ask for muich, but the girls i talk to arre quite nicceBoooze

oh and i dont phone or contact too much,
usually, just 2 or 3 e-mails over the week.Boooze

but its not just about relationships, its about respect too<:
and decency.
something ,which someof these women dont have.

23-02-2007, 16:08
Me and my other half talk everynight.

23-02-2007, 16:09
MOB: Money Over Bitches cos they breed envy :D

23-02-2007, 16:09
lol better hurry dude 666's is strict with her time...

n hey if some1 doesnt wana talk to u dont worry bout it, jus keep goin, some1 will eventually want to, and ul manage...oh wait ...brb

thats funny, im gonna hear that alot on this pollBoooze

23-02-2007, 16:09
yeh wot nadz said is true...if you're saying to a girl..hey listen im not interested in looks yadda yadda she may think "does that mean he thinks im ugly"

and maybe they givin u heart signs or wotever cos they being nice and dont wana turn round n say "leave me alone"

the best way to test something like this is after you've broken the initial ice, jus sit back n see if they get in touch with you, and if they do then they are interested...if not then theres plenty of girls out there...

23-02-2007, 16:10
yeh wot nadz said is true...if you're saying to a girl..hey listen im not interested in looks yadda yadda she may think "does that mean he thinks im ugly"

and maybe they givin u heart signs or wotever cos they being nice and dont wana turn round n say "leave me alone"

the best way to test something like this is after you've broken the initial ice, jus sit back n see if they get in touch with you, and if they do then they are interested...if not then theres plenty of girls out there...#

well., id love to meet some,
ha ha

23-02-2007, 16:11
LOL its funny your having this trouble I was having the opposite one

This girl used to call me 24/7 she was fucking addicted so I had to change my sim!

another girl always emails me too lol it does my head in I feel like a prisoner

23-02-2007, 16:13
oh sweety,
i donrt ask for muich, but the girls i talk to arre quite nicceBoooze

oh and i dont phone or contact too much,
usually, just 2 or 3 e-mails over the week.Boooze

but its not just about relationships, its about respect too<:
and decency.
something ,which someof these women dont have.

Well sweety theres obviously some sort of break down in communication, your obviously expecting more than your getting, so how about, you stop moaning, and find yourself ladies who actually fit into the critera you want.

Respect has to be earned, so if your not getting it, well that speaks volumes.

I for one know, im crap at replying to remails and texts, its too long, if someone really wants to talk to me theyw ill ring me.

23-02-2007, 16:14
but its not just about relationships, its about respect too<:
and decency.
something ,which someof these women dont have.

but they not disrespecting you, maybe they could be more honest n say "hey stop bugging me" (if that even is the case)

n it sounds like ur intentions r good, but it's hard for girls tho cos most guys will take a "hello" and a smile to mean "i want to have sex with you"
they prolly just dont wana lead u on...

23-02-2007, 16:16
Well sweety theres obviously some sort of break down in communication, your obviously expecting more than your getting, so how about, you stop moaning, and find yourself ladies who actually fit into the critera you want.

Respect has to be earned, so if your not getting it, well that speaks volumes.

I for one know, im crap at replying to remails and texts, its too long, if someone really wants to talk to me theyw ill ring me.

yeah, i suppose your right,
i mean i can do soo much better than this.
i need to "raise the bar"?>

from now, its only hot asian women, slutty blondes, and maybe a few desi housewifes?> ?> ?>

23-02-2007, 16:16
Man forget these two jassi lets go get some pussy man hit some clubs tonight

23-02-2007, 16:17
but they not disrespecting you, maybe they could be more honest n say "hey stop bugging me" (if that even is the case)

n it sounds like ur intentions r good, but it's hard for girls tho cos most guys will take a "hello" and a smile to mean "i want to have sex with you"
they prolly just dont wana lead u on...

but what about when they ask ME to be friends......aha,
friendshipo is abit different though isnt it:o :)

cant work this one out

23-02-2007, 16:18
Man forget these two jassi lets go get some pussy man hit some clubs tonight

YEAHBoooze Boooze Boooze Boooze
its been ages,

i should just have some fun ,right

im hot , im single, and i got a big....method of transport
ha ha ha ha

23-02-2007, 16:28

hurrry up.

23-02-2007, 16:28
MOB: Money Over Bitches

Fuck that I'd take a Ferrari rather than have Angelina Jolie :D

23-02-2007, 16:29
Bitches over money.

23-02-2007, 16:31

hurrry up.

here i come,
can i have some pics of you sent to me first....
i need something to keep me busy at nights?>
until im thhere

(serious, by the way)

23-02-2007, 16:33
here i come,
can i have some pics of you sent to me first....
i need something to keep me busy at nights?>
until im thhere

(serious, by the way)
Forget the pix, i`ll give you a webcam sessioning.

23-02-2007, 16:33

23-02-2007, 16:35
Forget the pix, i`ll give you a webcam sessioning.

nuber 1..theres no webcam
number 2...im in a library.


so you see the situation im in?> ?>

oh go on,.just one pic,
(they have toilets here, dont they?)
ha ha ha,joking

23-02-2007, 16:37
nuber 1..theres no webcam
number 2...im in a library.


so you see the situation im in?> ?>

oh go on,.just one pic,
(they have toilets here, dont they?)
ha ha ha,joking

i`ve got the webcam, you just need to watch.

library, i likes a geek.

do you wear glasses?

23-02-2007, 16:40
i`ve got the webcam, you just need to watch.

library, i likes a geek.

do you wear glasses?

oi, im only here for the free internet,
no , i dont wear glasses,:i
i a model:) :)
i can send you so pics if you send me yours

23-02-2007, 16:42
you don`t wear glasses, i`m done with you.

*hops along*

23-02-2007, 16:43
lol jassi does wear glasses.

damn his glasses are so think when he looks at an atlas he sees people waving

23-02-2007, 16:44
you don`t wear glasses, i`m done with you.

*hops along*

fine then:i :i

i cant be bothered with games anymore:i


23-02-2007, 16:48
you don`t wear glasses, i`m done with you.

*hops along*

and yet, another fine specimen
that widens the belief that women are a waste of time:)

23-02-2007, 16:48
lol jassi does wear glasses.

damn his glasses are so think when he looks at an atlas he sees people waving

oh dont you start too.
no more women having a go, please, ha ha ha ha
joking...or am i:)

he he he

23-02-2007, 16:50
and yet, another fine specimen
that widens the belief that women are a waste of time:)
be glad i invested 2mins of my time on you.


23-02-2007, 16:53
be glad i invested 2mins of my time on you.


im not,believe me
*rolls eyes**

23-02-2007, 16:53
ungreatful boy.

23-02-2007, 17:56
All i saw was "im so sick of"...so i thought the thread was gonna be bout this crazy mofo:


23-02-2007, 17:57
i`m not even gonan click on the link, is it neyo and the gay song?

23-02-2007, 18:00
In answer to your poll, I give LOTS of time to my other half :)

*~*LiL MiSs PaGaL*~*
23-02-2007, 18:02
LMAO krispy trust u to come out wit somethig like that.... he should be on Homemade's "lip sync" session

i see ma bf 3 times a week now and chat 2 him everynight

23-02-2007, 18:04
Uhmm the more time you spend with your guy the more likely your to be played.

You should be glad your lady is spending less time with you

23-02-2007, 18:06
Uhmm the more time you spend with your guy the more likely your to be played.

You should be glad your lady is spending less time with you
what do you mean?

24-02-2007, 01:05
i suppose he's sayin if ur constantly around him, he'll get bored n there aint gona be the fun of chasing the girl anymore...

thats prob true for some guys

24-02-2007, 01:07

24-02-2007, 01:40
boredom...scared of attachment...

why do u think insecurity?

24-02-2007, 01:43
Its just usually when you spend a lot of time with a guy you become an everyday thing.

That takes away the excitement from a relationship eventually, you should try not to be too attached otherwise he will be dying to take a fresh breath away from it all which is fertile cheating ground.

Girls talk about OMG me and my man talk 24/7.. uhmm im wondering who hes got on the side around the same time they say that

24-02-2007, 01:45
boredom...scared of attachment...

why do u think insecurity?
My bad, didn`t explain myself there.

I meant, girls and their insecuirty as to why they`re up their mans face 24/7?

or same could be said about the guy.

i duno.

24-02-2007, 01:48
oh right yeh

but a guy who cheats on a girl, for simply that reason is pathetic, just be man about it and break up with the girl

24-02-2007, 01:52
off topic..how old are you sexybeast?

24-02-2007, 01:54
oh right yeh

but a guy who cheats on a girl, for simply that reason is pathetic, just be man about it and break up with the girl

lol its like being driven away if you werent being pushed there wouldnt be a problem so tis not the guys fault at all.

24-02-2007, 01:54
23, why????

24-02-2007, 01:55
No, reason.

24-02-2007, 01:56
23, why????

U make sense. Thats why :p

24-02-2007, 01:58
oh my days come on man...

have u got a sister?? u must have a cousin sister right? a friend that is a girl that you care about????

if a bloke cheated on her then turned around and said ur sis/cuz/mate was all up in my face all the time, ud turn around n say to her "it was ur own damn fault"

to devoid urself from any responsibility is the lowest of lows man, fair enough u wana cheat on her, but you've gotta admit cheating on a person for that reason is disrespectful and out of order...

24-02-2007, 02:02
oh my days come on man...

have u got a sister?? u must have a cousin sister right? a friend that is a girl that you care about????

if a bloke cheated on her then turned around and said ur sis/cuz/mate was all up in my face all the time, ud turn around n say to her "it was ur own damn fault"

to devoid urself from any responsibility is the lowest of lows man, fair enough u wana cheat on her, but you've gotta admit cheating on a person for that reason is disrespectful and out of order...

Man sisters dont date neither do cousins as far as im aware but I tell my mates all the time not to drive their guys away.

When a guy is stalked he is always driven away he finds it hard to breath.

Fact is they got no reason to cheat but I can see how that situation would prove awkward for a guy and how it might lead to him doing something foolish.

Not excusable but considering the circumstances werent entirely his fault I dont think he deserves the entire blame.

24-02-2007, 02:04
well if a guy has a mad gf, dump her, why waste time.

24-02-2007, 02:07
heh, a sensible post from the mackster who would have thought...

and i dont mean this in an offensive way at all, but about ur sisters n cousins not dating... it will prolly happen one day thanks to the great western world that u so dearly love... i used to think the same until i met my cousins boyfriend...

24-02-2007, 03:18
... i used to think the same until i met my cousins boyfriend...
my sisters off to uni this year and shes living out, its really getting to me as well...im going to make random checks and have people spy on her for me, so I can be informed about anything worth being informed about.

24-02-2007, 03:19
lol@ ur spyin
leave the poor gal alone!

24-02-2007, 03:30
LOL I dont know about my cousins but my family actually very religious

24-02-2007, 15:05
lots of time.........

25-02-2007, 23:28
dude my family is very religious aswell...u of all people should kno what guys can say and do no matter what the girl is like...

and prophet..dude...cancel her uni n go for home education..where you're the teacher..thats the only way

01-04-2007, 16:53
i see mu bf everyday xxxxxxxxxxxxx

02-04-2007, 09:43
i found out yesterday that a girl one of my best mates hangs out with are not 'just friends' which is what his been telling me for months. Stupid thing is i had to check his texts and i saw 'i love you jaan' which was enough evidence and i havent said anything yet. not sure how to go about with this, i think il make a thread. Btw i dont have anything against gf/bf but this is a close close friend and we're all KINDA religoious.

02-04-2007, 11:32
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