View Full Version : Football OR Cricket

12-03-2007, 10:04

What would you rather watch, Football World Cup or Cricket World CUp?

i personally dont like cricet.. tooo boring and long... why sit there for HOURS and watch that...

Football much more entertaining!

12-03-2007, 10:07
Id Say Football.. Can't Watch Cricket!! Cricket tooo Lame n Boring!!

12-03-2007, 10:18
Can't choose, love both with a passion.

12-03-2007, 10:20
Depends on whose playing

If India are playing cricket den I'll choose 2 watch that

If India aint playing I wont be watching cricket

but in general...world cup...erm...Football...Ders more HyPe!

12-03-2007, 11:03
Football..without a doubt
though...if Pakistan are playing i'll watch...maybe

12-03-2007, 11:32
Same as Mizz if Pakistan were playing Cricket id defo try watching it!

But mainly footie! :)

12-03-2007, 14:45



13-03-2007, 00:48
you need a brain to understand cricket...even tramps can understand footy.

Basically it comes to this, when cricketers lose they take it on the chin like men, when footballers lose they cry :p

Aaryana Afghan
13-03-2007, 04:58
definately cricket,although my country does'nt play it internationally but i watch it regularly specially matches of indian team.

13-03-2007, 09:36
you need a brain to understand cricket...even tramps can understand footy.

Basically it comes to this, when cricketers lose they take it on the chin like men, when footballers lose they cry :p

i understand cricket, just find it boring..

lol its true about the loosing.... but its coz football fans got more passion

13-03-2007, 09:36
you need a brain to understand cricket...even tramps can understand footy.

Basically it comes to this, when cricketers lose they take it on the chin like men, when footballers lose they cry :p

i understand cricket, just find it boring..

lol its true about the loosing.... but its coz football fans got more passion

13-03-2007, 10:20
In Cricket it tests a person mentally and physically whereas football is more physical rather than mental.

Ohh Vee
13-03-2007, 10:24

What would you rather watch, Football World Cup or Cricket World CUp?

i personally dont like cricet.. tooo boring and long... why sit there for HOURS and watch that...

Football much more entertaining!


Cricket is good especially when its a tight game and the run chase is on. The climax of a Cricket game can be breathtaking and I think most will agree. :)

13-03-2007, 10:28
In Cricket it tests a person mentally and physically whereas football is more physical rather than mental.

na in footy u use ue brains aswel... not all about physcial...
likes of rooney using their minds to to anticipate where to pass.. where to run... etc etc

Ohh Vee
13-03-2007, 10:37
na in footy u use ue brains aswel... not all about physcial...
likes of rooney using their minds to to anticipate where to pass.. where to run... etc etc

Spot on! Certain players with experience read the game very well, e.g. Larsson. Knows when to make his runs, where to pass etc..

13-03-2007, 10:42
Spot on! Certain players with experience read the game very well, e.g. Larsson. Knows when to make his runs, where to pass etc..
and cricket.. if ur fielding.. not much technique needed there.. u get a good spot .. depending on bowler and batter.. and field ..

then you got the bowler who has talented in his own little way of doing suma special with the ball,, BUT not as good as Ronaldo when he has a ball at his feet

PaKi PwInCeSs
13-03-2007, 10:42
Not a fan of either..But if i had 2 choose deffo Footy..

13-03-2007, 10:43
can you please vote :)

13-03-2007, 11:26
then you got the bowler who has talented in his own little way of doing suma special with the ball,, BUT not as good as Ronaldo when he has a ball at his feet
I could say the same about Muralithran. The mental thing i was saying can be said the same for cricket. If you are a batsman you gotta know when to hit, when to leave it, what kind of shot to use, theres no one type of shot as you probably know, you gotta anticipate the speed, the bounce, the swing.
As a bowler, line and length is crucial, where you pitch the ball, where you want the seam to hit etc etc. The captain also has a tough job as he has to set the field according to the situation of play. Should he defend and let them keep there wickets but keep the runs down or should he attack and sacrifice runs in order to get wickets. Obviously its not as black and white as that.

Like i said i love both.

13-03-2007, 12:07
exactly the same in football..

the thing i find boring in cricket is sitting for hours.. especially test matches.. one days are orite.. but i wud never sit and watch the game..

neway ..... personal oppinions

sheff gal
13-03-2007, 12:25
Foot ball................

16-03-2007, 17:15

Iroquois Pliskin
16-03-2007, 20:19
cricket......football sucks.. :D

16-03-2007, 20:20
cricket... cuz i dont rly understand football!...

16-03-2007, 20:21
cricket... cuz i dont rly understand football!...

i always thought cricket would be the harder game to understand ... ? lol

16-03-2007, 20:23
lol...yeh..i dont know...i guess im just awkward