View Full Version : Its nearly over....

13-03-2007, 22:08
i cudnt wait for this day to come, but now im so depressed guys...lectures and smeinars are all over for me in about 3 weeks time. after cwswk and exams its all over...im so depressed... n den imaa graduate (inshallah)...dats sum crazzy shit...i hate thinkin about the future...i hate it..

im so depressed..i cant believe it. im gna miss uni life so much...i use to hate it..im so not gettin a first, hec i dont think imma be able to get 2:1,

Any of you guys on the same boat, final year of uni? how you feelin? what are your plans for the future?

its so depressin, i think imma cry...

13-03-2007, 22:16
Main Hoon Na if you need a shoulder to cry on :).

13-03-2007, 22:40
i am in the same boat i have one more semester to go after this, and i am jus scared as hell thinking about the future... i hate goin to class and do coursework but then wat the hell am i gonna be doin once i am done with uni. :oh wat if i dont get a job :| :(

13-03-2007, 23:02
Uni is alot like high school.. you hate it while you're doing the ish, but when it's over you wish you could go back. I don't have long to go before graduating and I'm already anxious about what the next chapter of life will bring. I like the carefree lifestyle that comes with Uni life.
After this, it's the 9 to 5 work schedule. Blah!

13-03-2007, 23:14
Even though im 21 im starting this september, having enjoyed a few years out I feel as though this experience will be more refreshing as I will come in with a fresh mind, simply meaning I can't wait Axii, whilst your off getting married I can enjoy uni, living away from home partying and exams.

13-03-2007, 23:54
Axi. Simple. Fail.


14-03-2007, 00:23
Even though im 21 im starting this september, having enjoyed a few years out I feel as though this experience will be more refreshing as I will come in with a fresh mind, simply meaning I can't wait Axii, whilst your off getting married I can enjoy uni, living away from home partying and exams.

dont talk about marriage, they already talkin about proposals and all that, they so bait!!! as if i dotn get what they tlak about...pshh

i jus hate where my life is goin, wish i was back in sec school again, year 10 in particular...

no worry in the world...until i grew up..

i think i wna cry.

and oh yeah 666 about failing, dotn worry i will...

14-03-2007, 00:28
Axxi..... i feel you... im feeling the heat already... i hate exams and results seriously... but Axxi i want to go back to years 3-6 and im going to make sure i do!! Because no matter what i am going back to my primary school to teach!! Just pray for me!! I will take on a teaching course after this... i soo want to go back!

Ive been reading the schools guest book and apprently its the same and got better! loads of kids love it! and are missing it! they've got different class groups called, edwardian, victorian etc etc! our school being ancient i soo want to go back! Some ole teachers are there still like Miss Lok!! Anyways that is the only way to relieve myself, is by going back...!

14-03-2007, 00:34
Axxi..... i feel you... im feeling the heat already... i hate exams and results seriously... but Axxi i want to go back to years 3-6 and im going to make sure i do!! Because no matter what i am going back to my primary school to teach!! Just pray for me!! I will take on a teaching course after this... i soo want to go back!

Ive been reading the schools guest book and apprently its the same and got better! loads of kids love it! and are missing it! they've got different class groups called, edwardian, victorian etc etc! our school being ancient i soo want to go back! Some ole teachers are there still like Miss Lok!! Anyways that is the only way to relieve myself, is by going back...!

i live 20 seconds away. so you knwo where to come for lunch...awww i miss those days at primary...

kays your not helping now im even more emotional...thanks, thanks a bunchh!!!

14-03-2007, 00:44
Even though im 21 im starting this september, having enjoyed a few years out I feel as though this experience will be more refreshing as I will come in with a fresh mind, simply meaning I can't wait Axii, whilst your off getting married I can enjoy uni, living away from home partying and exams.

pshh...in three years time you will know exactly how i feel...trust me, it wont kill u but it will most defon8ly make you stronger...

still..spose this "degree phash" will come to use in the future..

reh reh reh (all my fuckin life)

14-03-2007, 00:45
i cudnt wait for this day to come, but now im so depressed guys...lectures and smeinars are all over for me in about 3 weeks time. after cwswk and exams its all over...im so depressed... n den imaa graduate (inshallah)...dats sum crazzy shit...i hate thinkin about the future...i hate it..

im so depressed..i cant believe it. im gna miss uni life so much...i use to hate it..im so not gettin a first, hec i dont think imma be able to get 2:1,

Any of you guys on the same boat, final year of uni? how you feelin? what are your plans for the future?

its so depressin, i think imma cry...

Then you have marriage to worry about, dont worry you have me waiting for you ?>

14-03-2007, 00:45
im soooo Bloomin FLUSTERED!!!!!

someone slap me, i think im on the verge of depression..

14-03-2007, 01:27
Don't be depressed. It's just another phase in life. You're just nervous about leaving the safety net of Uni. The real world can be a scary place, but it's not one you can't handle. Sooner or later you gotta take that step into adulthood..

Give yourself time to deal with it. Stop stressing out. The more you freak out the harder it's going to be to calm down. Relax.. go out.. talk it out with a mate.

14-03-2007, 20:59
I know how u feel Axxi...I was lost when I finished Uni.. :( I was so used to the routine of going uni, attending/missin ;) lectures, chilling with my mates, dossing, etc...after it ws over, it ws very sad. I feel for u.. I give u three months to get over it :D Actually maybe more....u may have to go to extremes to adapt to ur new lifestyle/routine....holiday??

14-03-2007, 21:00
She was lost until she found farmboy;)^^

14-03-2007, 21:04
Im still lost ^^^ :(

14-03-2007, 21:07
Oh No...farmboy never worked out (yess yesss), u all minesss, mwahahha, no 1 can seperate us;)

14-03-2007, 21:13
It is and will work out :p Invitation? Address it to Egypt? :p

Ur evil :o

14-03-2007, 21:16
open invitation, im on the net apartment hunting, once dat will sort out, you can come all alone;), i'll gi u an address:)

anyways time to go eat out and watch da pirhhannas in da fish tank;)

ilal liqahh


24-03-2007, 12:15
i do feel the same but alas everything must come to an end one day, 3 years gone in a flash

28-03-2007, 09:19
ive still got one year left at uni. ..
jus on placement this year.. go bak to uni next year........

30-03-2007, 01:46
tomos my last day

its over


30-03-2007, 23:05

well apart from the two assignments and 3 exams due..im free...no more uni...no more lectures, no more seminars...woooohooooo!!!!

i graduate this july...any of you guys graduating this year?

26-05-2007, 17:29
omg..its over...officially

its over..but no im not depressed..im happy..its come to an end...


jus need to pose for the camera one last time (grad ceremony lol)