View Full Version : Key 9/11 suspect 'admits guilt'

15-03-2007, 13:47
The alleged mastermind of the 9/11 attacks has admitted his role in them, and 30 other plots in a hearing at Guantanamo Bay, the Pentagon says.
"I was responsible for the 9/11 operation, from A to Z," said Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in a partial transcript from a closed-door hearing.
He also said he had planned attacks on Big Ben and Heathrow airport in London.
The hearing was held to determine whether he was an "enemy combatant", which could lead to a military trial. Any criminal charges that are brought could eventually lead to a military tribunal at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.



15-03-2007, 13:56
oooooh i heard bout this on kiss100 today!

why do u say its bullshit?

15-03-2007, 14:04
coz notin in da news for about IRAQ or Afghanistan or netin for abt a week... and since they attacked em they have to always keep it in the news...
so lets make suma up agen

sheff gal
15-03-2007, 14:25

15-03-2007, 14:31
wat do u mean lets go make something up again?!?!

sheff gal
15-03-2007, 14:44
i nw hussain wht do u mn .. thtz the prt im cnfused bwt ? i dnt no wht u mean :$

15-03-2007, 14:45
i mean... basically make bulshit stories in da news.. to make people against muslims more..
make the "war on terror" look like it was a good thing..

sheff gal
15-03-2007, 14:46
Oh okieeee .

15-03-2007, 14:52
i mean... basically make bulshit stories in da news.. to make people against muslims more..
make the "war on terror" look like it was a good thing..

but its the news....information n stuff 2 no...
its not bullshit
u just take it 2 heart all the time coz its 2 do wid muslims, if muslims dint do all the bombing n stuff then they wudnt be in the news. its no offence 2 muslims but its tru.
how does it look like "war on terror" is a good thing coz it doesnt

sheff gal
15-03-2007, 14:55
but not all the muslimz do all the bommbing an tht? people jsut accuse us! if 5 muslimz bombed london...why do all the other muslimz get abuse 4 it? why do innocent people die 4? itz nt oru problem that them 5 are fuked in the head!

15-03-2007, 14:59
but not all the muslimz do all the bommbing an tht? people jsut accuse us! if 5 muslimz bombed london...why do all the other muslimz get abuse 4 it? why do innocent people die 4? itz nt oru problem that them 5 are fuked in the head!

yeah but im not saying anything bout all muslims
i was just saying bout the bombers.
them bombers were muslims n everyone nos that...
i dnt no y muslims get the abuse for it just coz of them 5 ppl...it depends on how ppl see it....

sheff gal
15-03-2007, 15:00
wel people shud open their eyez!

15-03-2007, 15:02
but like i said everyones different, its how ppl look at it

sheff gal
15-03-2007, 15:04
yh people go off bwt the london bombing an all tht..but wht bwt plces liek afghanistan an iraq..plces lyk tht get bombed btu nuthign goes off bwt it?

15-03-2007, 15:09
Yeah but theres a war going on there at the moment aint they? n thats always in the news anyway....

15-03-2007, 15:20
but its the news....information n stuff 2 no...
its not bullshit
u just take it 2 heart all the time coz its 2 do wid muslims, if muslims dint do all the bombing n stuff then they wudnt be in the news. its no offence 2 muslims but its tru.
how does it look like "war on terror" is a good thing coz it doesnt
its a good thing coz ppl think that it was worth going into afghanistan n iraq...
its good coz there getting th people..

9/11 wasnt done by muslims!
lets not go into all dis

15-03-2007, 15:45
it wasnt dun by muslims?

15-03-2007, 15:57
it wasnt dun by muslims?
u dont no??
da amount of evidence there is to prove that it was done by the governemt is unbeliveable.
theres loads of videos u can watch..
go on youtube.. and search 9/11
you want me to find it for u?

15-03-2007, 15:59
gona create a new thread called loose change go on there

15-03-2007, 16:06
ok kool..............

15-03-2007, 16:09
saw this headling on msn int he morning but i kinda of agree with HussainU about it being fake and stuff....coz they alwayz make up stories

15-03-2007, 16:22
saw this headling on msn int he morning but i kinda of agree with HussainU about it being fake and stuff....coz they alwayz make up stories

15-03-2007, 16:22
but its the news....information n stuff 2 no...
its not bullshit
u just take it 2 heart all the time coz its 2 do wid muslims, if muslims dint do all the bombing n stuff then they wudnt be in the news. its no offence 2 muslims but its tru.
how does it look like "war on terror" is a good thing coz it doesnt

don't believe everything you hear.
thats what you are making your first mistake.

15-03-2007, 16:22
watch the video that he is posted.
it is amazing.
then you will see something.

15-03-2007, 16:29

welcome hunz....but me, my dad and my older bro had this debate at home as well about headlines which they place on news but they are just false and are plain lies.....or they may have one thing which is true and just add more lies to it.....so it becomes a bigger issue

15-03-2007, 16:34
don't believe everything you hear.
thats what you are making your first mistake.
people just belive the news... BBC is run by the government.. the army and government decide what can go on the news... and where reportres go.. so u only see one side..

if you watch al jazeera you would see alot more...

welcome hunz....but me, my dad and my older bro had this debate at home as well about headlines which they place on news but they are just false and are plain lies.....or they may have one thing which is true and just add more lies to it.....so it becomes a bigger issue
dats true..
one israelie/US/UK Soldier dies its all over news... but hundreads of ?afghans/Iraqis/Palestians die everday.. do u hear it on news?

15-03-2007, 16:36
exactly....thats the point though.....viewers dont see that but when one soldiers from US/UK dies....thats it....its da top headline and how the investigation is pending to how he died etc .....

15-03-2007, 18:49
i mean... basically make bulshit stories in da news.. to make people against muslims more..
make the "war on terror" look like it was a good thing..

i know exactly what u mean! its becoming a bloody joke now..

$xy $onz
15-03-2007, 18:56
i soooo agree wiv hussain

wen fings r not going ryt 4 dem dey make new stories against muslims or all of a sudden a new film tape pops out of no wher of bin laden n dey dnt knw wher it cums 4m

$xy $onz
15-03-2007, 18:57
i soooo agree wiv hussain

wen fings r not going ryt 4 dem dey make new stories against muslims or all of a sudden a new film tape pops out of no wher of bin laden n dey dnt knw wher it cums 4m

Iroquois Pliskin
15-03-2007, 20:50
The #1 bullshit news i heard from the 9/11 was they found a passport from the crash/debre from the 2 tower scenes.. 2 planes incinerated with people and everything in it yet they found a passport.. unbelievable..

15-03-2007, 20:55
lol how stupid can they get^... hahaa 2 two buldings got completely ruined n yet they were stil able 2 find a "passport"....randomly lying around.. dayum... i wonder what that passport was made of!??..hmmm lol..

15-03-2007, 21:10
I think its bullshit as well, any f*cker in the government can come up with a manuscript.

15-03-2007, 21:12
and the black box, the thing thats supposed to record information when an emergency happens isn't found at all. Loada bullsh*t if you ask me.

15-03-2007, 22:22
MIZC .... see vry1 agrees wid me

sheff gal
15-03-2007, 22:36
An me ^^^ !

Iroquois Pliskin
15-03-2007, 23:52
and the black box, the thing thats supposed to record information when an emergency happens isn't found at all. Loada bullsh*t if you ask me.

thats the one crucial piece of evidence that can wipe the slate clean on this 9/11 bullshit.. if we somehow get to hear that everythin will become clear.. im pretty sure they made bullshit up that it didn't survive the explosion when infact it can withstand anything you throw at it.. ,:

16-03-2007, 09:25
thats the one crucial piece of evidence that can wipe the slate clean on this 9/11 bullshit.. if we somehow get to hear that everythin will become clear.. im pretty sure they made bullshit up that it didn't survive the explosion when infact it can withstand anything you throw at it.. ,:
a passport can survive.. but a black box cant... hmm initerestin.. suma dodgy going on dont u tnk?

16-03-2007, 11:11
MIZC .... see vry1 agrees wid me

Thats good for u...

I have my own opinion

16-03-2007, 11:17
Thats good for u...

I have my own opinion
no loving for u tonite !

16-03-2007, 11:25
I aint about to enter a religous debate, mainly cos I can't be arsed, but I'm a design engineer for an aerospace company and know first-hand that an aircraft black box goes through some of the most destructive testing for any man-made product (things like nuclear power station walls are similar). So I echoe everyones opinion on here, that not being able to find a black-box is preposterous enough as it is but to then miraculously 'discover' a passport is bordering on the impossible.

As far as the difference of opinions go (Mizz C and Hussain) muslims and non-muslims are obviously gonna have completely different views on things - If it was a story about Sikh militants accused of terrorism, Mizz C you'd feel the same as Hussain does in this case. The fact is you can't impose your views on anyone else - they're as much entitled to theirs as you are to yours.


16-03-2007, 11:39
I aint about to enter a religous debate, mainly cos I can't be arsed, but I'm a design engineer for an aerospace company and know first-hand that an aircraft black box goes through some of the most destructive testing for any man-made product (things like nuclear power station walls are similar). So I echoe everyones opinion on here, that not being able to find a black-box is preposterous enough as it is but to then miraculously 'discover' a passport is bordering on the impossible.

As far as the difference of opinions go (Mizz C and Hussain) muslims and non-muslims are obviously gonna have completely different views on things - If it was a story about Sikh militants accused of terrorism, Mizz C you'd feel the same as Hussain does in this case. The fact is you can't impose your views on anyone else - they're as much entitled to theirs as you are to yours.


thats well said..

ur rite.. abt da difference in opinion depending on religion... but as alot of us no ... the signs are there...

everyone entitled to their own opinions

16-03-2007, 11:47
well said by Bhangraman but yeh Mizz C has her own views, everyone thinks differently from each other....

16-03-2007, 11:53
im not telling everyone 2 agree with me

yes im giving my own opinion coz im entitled 2 one...

thats my point....i understand were hussain is coming 4rm coz he a muslim. the reason i cant see it 4rm his point, is because im not...

i was just giving another side 2 the argument other than jus agreeing

16-03-2007, 12:17
to be honest... i no alo of non muslims..who also no how much of a big lie dis all was..
so its not ONLY MUSLIMS..
my supervisor.. is white ... i dont even mention netin abt the war n stuf.. n wen its on radio news.. he starts goin on abt it.. an how much crap it is etc etc..

16-03-2007, 12:22
Ahhh y is coming out in a big font

but ne way

thats their opinion n this is mine...everyones different :)

16-03-2007, 12:33
Ahhh y is coming out in a big font

but ne way

thats their opinion n this is mine...everyones different :)
yep it is ur opinion

16-03-2007, 15:24
down in leeds every pakistani gets pulled and searched, proper racist around here any muslim brother with a beard gets harrasted by police....