View Full Version : Ugly Or Beautiful? Ask The Computer

20-03-2007, 14:05

The Aussies are wielding their unreconstructed maleness again but this time it has nothing to do with beer ads and Sheilas. Well, one of them, anyway. Two scientists have created some computer software that will tell you if you are beautiful or ugly.
This is not the first such software, but it’s the latest effort to measure prettiness. If you have to ask a computer, then you probably already have a sneaking suspicion of what the answer might be.
Anyway, the software uses facial measurements and compares them to the collected ratios and data from over 200 pretty people – actors and models. So, what’s new? Well, being Aussie software, when you submit your photo it returns a rating from 1 to 10.
Apparently, this has some form of medical usage in plastic surgery where they say people will be able to judge whether or not a £10,000 nose job will make them less Quasimodo/Jade Goody and more Brad & Angelina

20-03-2007, 16:13
Again, everyone has different perceptions of what is beautiful and what is ugly. Typically, in the anesthetic world, high cheek bones, bigger eyes, jaw lines, fuller lips, all the things known to be 'chiseled features' are seen to be beautiful. Blah.

20-03-2007, 16:21
computer says noo

20-03-2007, 16:23
Brad pitts ugly anyway.

20-03-2007, 16:27
thats kind of the reason why i hate things like miss world and all that crap aswell,:i

its like, not everyone thinks the same about whats attractive,

studies have shown that men actually preferre a slightly less attractive and heavier woman than super models,

not all cases, but overall.

but when i see a woman thats supposed to be beautifull, i rarely ever see how,

i dont like tall, slim, blondes with a big chest, and thats whats supposed to be beautifull:i

damn you media

20-03-2007, 17:07
You must be gay

20-03-2007, 17:10
You must be gay


20-03-2007, 17:11
I know you like pricks

20-03-2007, 17:14
I know you like pricks

aha..i mean you...you hussy:) ...you feind...you hoebag...you waffle

20-03-2007, 17:16
I know you wish that jumping banana was being inserted in your ass

20-03-2007, 17:27
Brad pitt is fit from the neck down!

Troy.. *drools*

20-03-2007, 19:54
brad pitt has a hot body!!... not 2 keen on his face thu

20-03-2007, 19:57
jonny depp is my idea of perfection

20-03-2007, 19:58
awwh ^i love johnny depp :D

20-03-2007, 20:07
me too *sighs 4 both of us^

20-03-2007, 20:19
:D *sighs deeply...."haaaaai*

20-03-2007, 20:51
jonny depp is my idea of perfection

What happened to the beast????

20-03-2007, 20:53

20-03-2007, 22:11
jonny depp is my idea of perfection


20-03-2007, 23:38
What happened to the beast????

i went out lookin 4 a jonny depp look alike n ended up with a batista lookalike!8(

sheff gal
24-03-2007, 23:02
Brad pitt iz okyyy... but nt "all tht"

queen bee
25-03-2007, 01:51
Jonny Depp isnt all that amazingly good lookin`
niether is Brad, thought he was hawwt in Fight Club tho, but hey a camera can make anyone look good, hes average otherwise!

25-03-2007, 02:22
brad pitt? yer he's alright i guess. not a patch on dale winton though. he's a stud muffin:|