View Full Version : Attention Graphic Designers

01-04-2007, 02:10
I need to do a favour for a friend.

He runs a call of duty clan site somewhere and was aksing if I could get him a site header.

So I said Il try.

Would all of you please try your utmost to create one for me to get shipped off?

Ok, wat needs to be on it. It should have the same dimensions as the AP header.

It needs to have the CALL OF DUTY theme on it, like sum explosions, or soldiers etc. Check google images to get some ideas.

It needs to have this on the header:

Bad Blue Boys (and the Blue is supposed to be in WHITE ok??)

And also it needs to have this logo somewhere as well, in a shade of grey:


Irfan, I know youre good at this, please try as well yeh? :)

Many thanx! :D

Iroquois Pliskin
01-04-2007, 02:12
Aha.. A Gentleman talkin about gaming related stuff.. you're a fake.. :p

01-04-2007, 02:22
lol dont worry pliskin, hes our inside man in the gents club, tsk tsk shhh lol

also Zero i'll give it a bash tommorow hopefully!

01-04-2007, 02:37
Thank you sir.

It is not me who is playing this game, it is my servant. They like to play these games when they are not shining my shoes ;)

02-04-2007, 14:43
I did 3, they are slightly different, the badge and the -=BBB=-




02-04-2007, 14:50
Many Thanx Bro! ')

02-04-2007, 23:25
the first one which Kayz did is good

03-04-2007, 00:31
id say the 2nd 1, good stuff kayz

03-04-2007, 12:39
Id say tha 2nd 1 :)

03-04-2007, 12:46
u need to change the font colour