View Full Version : AMIR KHAN!!

07-04-2007, 23:48
Who watched it? i was having dinner and it just came on! i was soo in time! man o man he went to the US!! and its the best ive seen Amir Khan fight and the americans just loved it!

Im now an official Amir Khan supporter. Some say Amir Khan is been given easy fights, but trust me no. Feather weghts, heavy weight my weights! who damn cares? Amir is a feather weight and hes fighting feather weights!

People are different pyshically, and trust me Amir Khan has muscles but he dosent have as much muscles as his opponents. It goes to show, you need to be a fighter, the body dosent matter, dosent matter how much muscle you have. This guy Amir Khan fought tonight was called Stefu Bull, the guy had big macho's and even a nice set of packs.

Amir Khan took him down, the other guy didnt have a single chance to even hit him properly. Amir Knocked the guy out! he fell! The best fight ive seen in ages!

I feel like sticking Amir Khan on my sig, but i think i'll leave that up to the girls, it'll look too gay! But he put up a big show the americans, and they liked him! They were very supportive from what i saw in the background, they all had their lil phone cams out etc

Good match it was!

Iroquois Pliskin
07-04-2007, 23:51
Good stuff.. don't know what makes people say the matches were easy.. he's just a slippery fighter.. lol

07-04-2007, 23:56
Good Match.....Amir Khan did well

08-04-2007, 01:47
Finished it 3rd round yeah?

not bad, he's beginning to prove himself abit more now. Stef was waiting to come out more in the later rounds, oh well wern't his night.

08-04-2007, 01:54
Heard about it, but missed it....damn...but good to hear he won! :)

08-04-2007, 10:42
Over rated!! Hes boring!!

08-04-2007, 17:23
amazin fighter... but sumtyms he puts dem out 2 quickly... lol den ders nofing 2 watch... but yeh big up 2 him......

09-04-2007, 00:12

he's fighting nobodies, i mean this yank was ripped quite nicely but he couldn't fight. When Amir Khan starts fighting better boxers they won't be collapsing under body shots and Amir Khan's chin hasn't even been tested yet. These fights are just about gettin Amir some ring experience.

09-04-2007, 00:14

he's fighting nobodies, i mean this yank was ripped quite nicely but he couldn't fight. When Amir Khan starts fighting better boxers they won't be collapsing under body shots and Amir Khan's chin hasn't even been tested yet. These fights are just about gettin Amir some ring experience.

My thoughts exactly!

sheff gal
09-04-2007, 00:14

09-04-2007, 10:14
Yeppp i watched the fight!!
3rd round 1 min and 45secs i fink was the time hehe

I fink hes doing really well for himself fight by fight hes gettin more n more experience dont matter if the other guy is shit or not....atleast hes doing well.

OoO hes sooooooo fitttttttttttt ?> ?> ?>

Sonz where ya lol need u to post in dis thread bout Amirrrrr hehehypocrite!

16-04-2007, 20:43
i think you people are losing the plot a little bit? the guy has amazing potential but he isnt gonna be fighting for a world title, within 10 fights of his pro career. thats crazy.

if you look at EVERY fighters careers, they all fight journeymen at the start. this is to start them in the pro game, which is completly different than the ameatur boxing arena.

you can't even fight for a british title until you are 21 years old, so that is out the question, and he isnt gonna be rushed into a world title bout. that is just crazy talk !

and the fact that his chin hasnt been tested, isnt that a good thing !? lol what you expect him too do? let people hit him, just too see if he can take it or not? if they cant hit him, thats better for him, shows he has great movement, and he is like 'catch me if you can'.

and please dont talk about body shots like that, it is silly. if that was the case, pretty much every fighter that ricky hatton fights, is a bum? obv bullshit. if you hit the body in the right spot, which is just where the floating rib is, it is VERY hard to breath, and pretty much any person would go down, does not matter who you are.

its all about experience. if any person, says that amir khan is not a good fighter, in any way. they really, really are lacking in boxing knowledge.

Brown Sugar Baby
16-04-2007, 21:01
he is fuckin ugly bluergh
looks just like a typical asian boy...

16-04-2007, 22:38
Yeppp i watched the fight!!
3rd round 1 min and 45secs i fink was the time hehe

I fink hes doing really well for himself fight by fight hes gettin more n more experience dont matter if the other guy is shit or not....atleast hes doing well.

OoO hes sooooooo fitttttttttttt ?> ?> ?>

Sonz where ya lol need u to post in dis thread bout Amirrrrr hehehypocrite!

She hasn't got the net at home coz NTL suck........lolz....bananadanc

16-04-2007, 23:28
ive seeen dis guy.. init sheff gall u seen da pic of me wiv him....

16-04-2007, 23:44