View Full Version : Detox

10-11-2005, 10:19
any1 know the best way how?

10-11-2005, 12:29
well just 2 drink water 4 a whole month an eat fruit only

i treid but didn't succeed!!!!!!!!!!!! :(

hope u have a betta chance of.

10-11-2005, 16:44
i'm sure there's more to it than that... apparently your supposed to drink LOADS of water, eat loads of greens, (not much fruit though) and do high impact cardio exercise? hmm maybe i'll try that...*thinks* or maybe not lol

10-11-2005, 16:53

The 5-day cleansing diet
The dietician who compiled the diet calls it a "cleansing diet" instead of a detox diet. She believes that the word "detox" has traditionally been associated with an extremely strict diet that cuts a large variety of food from the diet, although it essentially has the same purpose.

The aim of Annaret Gerber's meal plan is to make a significant difference in a short time. The idea is to continue to provide the body with the necessary nutrients, not to starve it, and to adopt a more natural way of eating. Fresh fruit and vegetables, and smaller, more frequent meals, form an integral part of the cleansing diet.

Foods to cut from the diet

Caffeine and alcohol, which includes coffee, Ceylon tea, hot chocolate and cola drinks
Milk products, like milk, cheese and yoghurt
Refined sugars
Processed fats, like margarine, sunflower and canola oil
Wheat products, like bread, Provitas, pasta, All-Bran, muesli and Weet-Bix
Fatty protein of animal origin, like red and cured meat
All foods have to be as natural and fresh as possible and shouldn't contain any preservatives. Although dried fruit can be included in the diet, the fruit shouldn't contain preservatives, like sulphur dioxide. Fruit juice should also be preservative-free.

for more go here: http://www.health24.com/dietnfood/Diet_basics/15-1168-1176,25092.asp

hope that helps.

10-11-2005, 16:55
alternatively, a bit of light reading on the topic:

http://www.bbc.co.uk/health/healthy_living/your_weight/eatingwell_detox.shtml#what's_a_detox_diet? (http://www.bbc.co.uk/health/healthy_living/your_weight/eatingwell_detox.shtml#what's_a_detox_diet?)

enjoy :D

10-11-2005, 20:22
wat is detox?...

sorry 4 my ignorance...?>

10-11-2005, 20:34
actually i was gonna ask da same question, even tried to look it up in a dictionary but didnt get anywhere....8S...someone xplain plz...???

10-11-2005, 20:54
Detox is 'cleansing' of the inner body...basically drink lots of mineral water and itz get rid of all dem waste toxinz...n yeh loadz of fruit/veg 2...

XxX Naz XxX

10-11-2005, 21:05
oh rite, kool stuff, thnx 4 explaining!! :)

13-11-2005, 10:00
aww..naaaju thanx...

yeh me looked in the dictionary as well..?>