View Full Version : Pomegranate

11-11-2005, 19:22
Since ancient times the pomegranate has been viewed as a fruit with phenomenal powers. It's widely recognised as a symbol of fertility and throughout the ages its skin, seeds and flesh have been used as treatments for almost every kind of ailment. Now new research is proving that there is truth behind the ancient myths surrounding the pomegranate's remarkable health benefits.
An easy source of antioxidants
Pomegranate juice is rich in vitamins A, C and E - all three key antioxidants, which can help to reduce the risk of several different types of cancer, including skin cancer, and also help to reduce the risk of heart disease. One 250ml glass of Pomegreat provides half an adult's RDA (recommended daily allowance) of these vitamins.
Fact: Pomegranate juice contains almost three times as many antioxidants as the same quantity of red wine or green tea.

http://a820.g.akamai.net/f/820/822/1d/i.ivillage.co.uk/uk_en/a_ukpix/100x100/pomegranate_2_100.jpgHeart - cholesterol-lowering properties
Pomegranates contain a particularly powerful type of the plant chemical polyphenol, which helps offer protection against heart disease. Research in both Israel and the USA has shown that polyphenols help lower harmful cholesterol. Scientists also found that if consumed regularly, as part of a balanced diet, pomegranates can help to stop the hardening of arteries, and so avoid putting an extra strain on the heart. Pomegreat brand pomegranate juice is the only fruit drink to be endorsed by the country's leading cholesterol charity, Heart UK, and is totally free from artificial colourings, preservatives and sweeteners.
Fact: Pomegranate juice has been shown to reduce the retention of LDL - the bad cholesterol which leads to heart disease.

Pregnancy - a source of folic acid
Pomegranate juice is a great source of folic acid which is essential for the healthy development of babies. Folic acid, also known as folate, is vital for the formation of red blood cells and DNA, which contains every individual's particular genetic code. New research has also demonstrated a direct link between folate levels and birth weight. Women with higher folate levels during early pregnancy were more likely to have heavier, and therefore healthier babies. Drinking a daily glass of Pomegreat juice is almost certainly the easiest and most delicious way for pregnant mothers to ensure that they and their babies get 100 per cent of the recommended daily allowance of folic acid.
Fact: In Iran, pomegranates are recommended to pregnant women because they are iron-rich, according to culinary historian Margaret Shaida.

Wrinkles - prevents and smooths skin
The combination of vitamin A and vitamin E in pomegranates helps to prevent the formation of wrinkles. Dr Ali, Britain's leading integrated health expert, lists pomegranate juice as one of the best things you can eat or drink in the battle against wrinkles. Pomegranate juice can not only help to prevent the formation of unwanted lines, but it can also help to make existing wrinkles smoother and less noticeable.
Fact: The ancient Chinese believed that pomegranate juice contained a 'soul concentrate' that could confer immortality.

Fertility and sex drive - boosts your fertility
Perhaps the most intriguing health benefit of pomegranate juice is hinted at by pomegranates' age-old reputation for boosting fertility and sex drive. A pomegranate was one of the main symbols of Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love who gives her name to the word 'aphrodisiac'. Equally significant is that many biblical scholars now believe that it was a pomegranate that prompted the 'original sin'. It seems quite likely that the 'forbidden fruit' that Eve handed to Adam in the Garden of Eden was not an apple at all, but a juicy, red pomegranate - another testament to the desires that the fruit arouses.
Fact: The pomegranate is one of the earliest cultivated fruits. Historical evidence suggests the first pomegranate trees were planted around 3000BC. http://a820.g.akamai.net/f/820/822/1d/i.ivillage.co.uk/uk_en/a_ukpix/100x100/pomegreat_100.jpg (http://www.pomegreat.com/)Where to get it
Just one glass of Pomegreat a day is the easiest and most delicious way to receive all the incredible health benefits of the legendary pomegranate fruit. It's one of Britain's fastest growing fruit juices. Pomegreat is widely available in leading supermarkets, health stores and independent retailers, in three varieties: Pomegreat Original, Pomegreat & Blueberry and Pomegreat & Raspberry, a 1-litre carton costs £1.39. The juice is also stocked by Boots in 330ml bottles priced at 99p.

11-11-2005, 19:58
wao......... nice research

it is said "Aik Anar So Bemar"

11-11-2005, 20:06
Pommegranate will be a fruit in paradise. And they say pommy's have been watered with at least one drop from the water's of paradise, and so at least one pommy pea is from jannat. :)

and did you know, the juice of a pommy, if it falls on ur clothes it's permanent, it can never be removed.

11-11-2005, 20:09
I'll try the two pea's from Jannat now, got juice of two pommy's, wana sip?

11-11-2005, 20:30
on the subject..i hav become addicted to pomegranate syrup!!..IT ROCKZ!!

11-11-2005, 20:35
Revered since biblical times as a 'gift from God', pomegranate juice is gaining in popularity thanks to its health benefits - including promoting fertility, fighting wrinkles, protecting against heart disease and being an excellent source of folic acid - as well as its great taste

11-11-2005, 20:37
i've alwayz loved pomegranates...i have an obsession wid em..and come ramadhan...4 sum odd reason...

we'll be havin bout 7 evry day...there;z 7 of us..:D

Mr Sandman
11-11-2005, 20:38
i shall keep that info in mind...well some of it...a bit of it....hmm...i'll remember they taste good though.

11-11-2005, 20:39

no offence to miss.khan..i know she made an effort..i dint read the info...
jus wanted 2 say how much i love pomegranates...:D

11-12-2007, 05:30
i love pomegranate juice.. itz so yum! itz so expensive in canada though... like 3 pomegranates cost $9.99! i could buy a whole box of them for tht much in saudi!!