View Full Version : Bored!!

03-05-2007, 18:57
He keeps on going on about the same god damn fing everyday, either summit wrong in his life or how he hates freshys... frankly im bored of it n its getting very old!

If u agree well u knw wat 2 do :D @)

03-05-2007, 18:59
LOL what you gonna do get your fans together and go to OS?

If I gathered people against you I'd have more people on my side.

03-05-2007, 19:00
LOL what you gonna do get your fans together and go to OS?

If I gathered people against you I'd have more people on my side.

go to OS for what? Insane Insane

Lolz this is a fun poll... wat is os going to do? Insane Insane

03-05-2007, 19:01
When you posted it there was no poll the message is posted first lol

03-05-2007, 19:02
When you posted it there was no poll the message is posted first lol

yh the stupid poll kumz afta 4 sum reason

PaKi PwInCeSs
03-05-2007, 19:04
Kum on boys..Like I always say PLAY NICE..:D

03-05-2007, 19:04
Oh shit I voted yes by accident

03-05-2007, 19:05
Kum on boys..Like I always say PLAY NICE..:D

Lolzzz i am being nice... it aint a serious poll! just finking if every1 is finking the same?


03-05-2007, 19:07
Not going to vote either like Mehz....Lolz...Just chill people!

03-05-2007, 19:07
and ridz all the people I had problems with recently dont count lol they obviously gonna vote against me

03-05-2007, 19:08
im not,because i wanna know why,im tryin to figure mr mack out,i wanna get into mr macks mind and know why?!!

i kinda understand him,but its gonna take time 4 me to understand it all

*~*LiL MiSs PaGaL*~*
03-05-2007, 19:10
LMAO voted for urself...

have u ever thought of therapy?

03-05-2007, 19:10
LMAO voted for urself...

have u ever thought of therapy?

lol meant to vote no ?>?>

03-05-2007, 19:10
Wuldnt work on him kinz! lol

03-05-2007, 19:11
Who sed there's beef between me and mac... i just did it for fun... u lot r tking it 2 seriously.. im sure the person in the spot light isnt!

03-05-2007, 19:11
Lol, he comes on once in a blue mooon so we should try to bare his antics. :p

And theres no option to say ............ ?

*~*LiL MiSs PaGaL*~*
03-05-2007, 19:12
KorSe u did macky :rolleyes:

LoL true how about we just kidnap him n accidently forget ;) to release him....

03-05-2007, 19:12
Lol, he comes on once in a blue mooon so we should try to bare his antics. :p

And theres no option to say ............ ?

I wanted a upfront answer dats y ?>

03-05-2007, 19:12
im not,because i wanna know why,im tryin to figure mr mack out,i wanna get into mr macks mind and know why?!!

i kinda understand him,but its gonna take time 4 me to understand it all

there we go another case she on now :p

03-05-2007, 19:13
lol ridz is a dodgy geezer but its not serious i was gonna set one up asking if ridz is gay before he sit this up :p

03-05-2007, 19:14
lol ridz is a dodgy geezer but its not serious i was gonna set one up asking if ridz is gay before he sit this up :p

Lolzz told u all see u lot r tking it seriously... Over dramatic!

03-05-2007, 19:14
there we go another case she on now :p


err wat u mean americano?

03-05-2007, 19:15
^^^^ livin up da name if u knw wat i mean if not fook it...

03-05-2007, 19:16
oi u two stop arguing in my thread.. well ridz thread lol

03-05-2007, 19:26
there should be a 'no comment' option there aswell.....

03-05-2007, 19:29
^^^^ livin up da name if u knw wat i mean if not fook it...

im MAD in a sane way!:)

03-05-2007, 20:13
u lot r pathetic man its a joke hence y there r 2 options jeezzz... MOD OS LOCK THIS THREAD! Ppl r 2 serious on here!

03-05-2007, 21:02
meh :S....

$xy $onz
04-05-2007, 09:36
desi mack y do u hate freshiz??u had bad experience or wat?? cuz u said uve been bk home 6 tyms if u dnt lyk der system n dem y did u go so many times plzzzzzz explain

(im not voting cuz jus wna knw y his so against freshis)

04-05-2007, 11:30
voted no
if ALL his topics r bout the same shit then they can easily b merged in2 1!!!!!

04-05-2007, 11:36
He keeps on going on about the same god damn fing everyday, either summit wrong in his life or how he hates freshys... frankly im bored of it n its getting very old!

If u agree well u knw wat 2 do :D @)


Its funny some of the things he comes up with. In my opinion most threads that he creates attract a lot of attention, and thats what a forum needs people posting ini it.

So what if its the same things over and over again. If you don;t like it, don't post in it, simple as that. I do it. If i don't have anything constructive to say in a thread I don't bother posting in it.

Ridz, I think you're just gettin pissed off now cos of the amount of times he winds you up.

04-05-2007, 18:19

Its funny some of the things he comes up with. In my opinion most threads that he creates attract a lot of attention, and thats what a forum needs people posting ini it.

So what if its the same things over and over again. If you don;t like it, don't post in it, simple as that. I do it. If i don't have anything constructive to say in a thread I don't bother posting in it.

Ridz, I think you're just gettin pissed off now cos of the amount of times he winds you up.

agen tking it 2 personal... n hes neva wound me up Insane

$xy $onz
09-05-2007, 14:58
no argueing lads u shud love n care 4 each other

09-05-2007, 15:04
I think he has Ridz.

$xy $onz
09-05-2007, 15:05
ritz shush i said no argueing

its his opinion if he finds it boring