View Full Version : ah my foot!

Brown Sugar Baby
05-05-2007, 16:49
umm i do kick boxing.. and i fuckin kicked some1 elbow... striahgt on and its kills wht the fuckeryz do i do ! HELAP!

05-05-2007, 16:51
well for one your sparring partner is an idiot u always keep ur elbows inwards when you fight

where did it hit you and where is the pain(ie bone or skin)

Brown Sugar Baby
05-05-2007, 16:52
well it wasnt really my sparring partner.. it was my bro... lol!
right on the soul of my foot i fink its hurt my foot muslce if u have foot muslce :|

05-05-2007, 16:57
man ull be fine u got a lot of nerves in that part of ur foot

u might get a bit of a bruise n find it hard to step on that but u best hope its nothing to do with bones bones in ur feet are fragile

Brown Sugar Baby
05-05-2007, 17:07
there is a bruise its narsty...

05-05-2007, 17:17
ive got bruises on my foot in the past

it hurts bad man!

Brown Sugar Baby
05-05-2007, 17:26
yeh ive got ice pack on it now.. its so ticklish...

05-05-2007, 21:49
hahahaha bsb is ur bro alright ????

Brown Sugar Baby
05-05-2007, 22:31
ooo loafz u fucker...

Iroquois Pliskin
05-05-2007, 22:33
howz ya foot now?

Brown Sugar Baby
05-05-2007, 22:33
umm very sore... but ive got a crutch... :D