View Full Version : scarfs!

22-11-2005, 17:03
everyone is wearing them... which designs do you like?
i prefer the slighty thick and long ones, but i think the proper chunky, decorative ones look tacky.

what cha all reckon?
what scarf styles do u like?

i have the dkny one from House of Frasers in Pink, it's gogeous, i'd recommend every girl (or guy) to get one!

22-11-2005, 17:23
one like this


22-11-2005, 17:55
fasion is useless dnt try n follow it ul alwayz get lef bhind...
but thn again yeh i got a prada one, 4rm oxford street london!

ruby angel
22-11-2005, 20:52
any scarf'll do 4 me lol..cnt b asked 2 follow scarf fashion....

22-11-2005, 21:34
ruby lolz ur old fashioned;)

Arbash Shaikh
22-11-2005, 21:42
prada roxx!!!!!!!

22-11-2005, 21:55
dts cse i wear it:D costs a bomb n a haff thought bt thn thts wat a rich brother is needed 4:d lolz

23-11-2005, 19:38
honestly...i dont care aslong as it keeps me warm, the recent one i bought is soo long...i luv long scarfs, its a creamy colour but its abit fluffy...my advice to u ppl is DONT BUY A FLUFFY SCARF!! it get all ova your clothes n in your mouth!! ?>

Mr Sandman
23-11-2005, 21:14
any scarf'll do 4 me lol..cnt b asked 2 follow scarf fashion....


ruby angel
23-11-2005, 23:24
ruby lolz ur old fashioned;)

how is dat old fashioned????
thought the point of em was 2 keep u warm... 8)
lukz lyk sandy'z an me r the only ones wid brainz ere..n manj

u guyz craaazyyy :o

24-11-2005, 01:28
dey got sum wicked ones in river island.. i got 2 last week, a brown one with a beige cress on it and a stripy one too..

24-11-2005, 03:30
yes i like long and thick ones.......as for scarves i dunno:|

i thank you! youve been a beautiful audience. im here all week!:D

24-11-2005, 10:07
u can even get fashionable scarves?..blimey watz the world cumin to?..8)

24-11-2005, 17:51
the pashmina ones were really trendy at one point...but they're too common now, it's jus gaaaaay

24-11-2005, 17:53
hmm...the thing is..me wear pashmina on ma head...:D

24-11-2005, 17:57
Ooo ur a hijabi?

24-11-2005, 17:57
yup..am hijaabi..was a jilbaabi..but it'z too cold now...8)

24-11-2005, 18:00
ooo thts kewl...nice to see a sister wearing a hijab..as long as you're not one of those dodgy types who wears a hijab but at the same time is an undercover slag.

i've thought about wearing hijab a few times, but i'm not religious enough..YET.

do u wear it by choice or did ur parents make u?

24-11-2005, 18:03
by choice...

since i was old enuf to realise the importance...
i was 10...:D...
btw..i aint an undercover slag..trust...:| dint know there were peepz like that...but now i do...:|

24-11-2005, 18:09
oh i wasn't implying YOU were one, but seriosuly there are LOADSSS of girls like that. imma tell u a story of one of my best mates.
Ok i used to have a mate at school (name not disclosed for privacy reasons) anyhoo, in school she used to be the proper decent and relgious one, and had a general islamic attitude and approach towards life, which i respected her for, and looked up to her, she even wore a hijab and used to tell me about the deen. then a few years later when we all moved schools, i linked up with her again and the guy she was going out with was at my school n i found out she slept with him, gave him bjs and even used to sneak out to meet him. Anyhoo, this guy was a bastard, flirted and shagged anythign with a heartbeat, when i told her she didnt believe me so i thot fuk it, then her mum and bros found out, n caused a comotion...it didn't work out in the end, the guy got over it and shes still loved him with him when he dnt give a damn.
The moral of the story is, if your a hoe, you'll get treated like one. So let's all be good lil girlies and then life won't f*** us up the a$$!

24-11-2005, 18:30
yes i like long and thick ones.......as for scarves i dunno:|

i thank you! youve been a beautiful audience. im here all week!:D

<) lol, i wont ask!!

ruby angel
24-11-2005, 20:47
oh i wasn't implying YOU were one, but seriosuly there are LOADSSS of girls like that. imma tell u a story of one of my best mates.
Ok i used to have a mate at school (name not disclosed for privacy reasons) anyhoo, in school she used to be the proper decent and relgious one, and had a general islamic attitude and approach towards life, which i respected her for, and looked up to her, she even wore a hijab and used to tell me about the deen. then a few years later when we all moved schools, i linked up with her again and the guy she was going out with was at my school n i found out she slept with him, gave him bjs and even used to sneak out to meet him. Anyhoo, this guy was a bastard, flirted and shagged anythign with a heartbeat, when i told her she didnt believe me so i thot fuk it, then her mum and bros found out, n caused a comotion...it didn't work out in the end, the guy got over it and shes still loved him with him when he dnt give a damn.
The moral of the story is, if your a hoe, you'll get treated like one. So let's all be good lil girlies and then life won't f*** us up the a$$!

i knw sum1 lyk dat as well......i think grlz r stupid hu do tht..
i wear a hijab 2, i neva want a b/f..lol.....had 1, was enuff 2 knw it aint wrth it...

25-11-2005, 12:46
as ne1 seen them long necktie 1s wid teh sequins? they real nyc, they had a nyc 1 in republic....
n mashallah 2 taz hu covers erself wid modesty, pray we al get the hidayah!

25-11-2005, 18:25
doing all tht kinda defeats the purpose of wearing a hijab..thts why i would never wear one becuase it's disrespecting it...not that i do anything bad, but i don't do anything good either....trying though.

ruby angel
27-11-2005, 14:40
i wud feel guilty wearing a hijab and goin out wid a guy...i dunno how sum grlz can do tht...

27-11-2005, 15:08
it's bcoz they're corrupt slags and deserve to be hanged.

28-11-2005, 17:14
sum wud consider themselves "modern muslims" i usualy laf wen dat phrase is used!
it jst means muslims dat ave assimiliated wid teh surroundings of Europe....

28-11-2005, 20:44
i find it weird wen u see in islamic fairs they try and make islam seem modern..wen it aint..it'z unchanged...and should remain so...not jus change 4 the sake of a few kiddies who cnat be bothered to learn the basicz...

can this be moved to religion thread or summit?..i fink itz spammin...8)

29-11-2005, 13:07
i tink dis is appropriate since its a discussion dat cum frm scarves.....bt i new thread cn b startd if u wish.....

ok bak 2 the topic, scarfs!
r stripey scarves stil in?

30-01-2007, 00:43
dont care as long as its warm
and i can it 2 tie ppl up with

30-01-2007, 00:46
i got a really smart 1 from selfridges t'other day.. stripy one..

30-01-2007, 00:49
cant i strangle u with it :)

30-01-2007, 01:17
haha.. go ahead.. i like it whn ur kinky

30-01-2007, 01:21
i'll teach u new ways 2 wear them!!!!!!

30-01-2007, 02:48
plain wooly 1's dark colours :D

30-01-2007, 14:40
I don't wear them

sheff gal
02-02-2007, 23:30
Just a plain blck one lol

03-02-2007, 18:51
I'll tell you what scarfs are in. The ones that men where after comming back from Hajj. They white and they either have, black, red, or navy blue square designs on them. No joke, they're in!

Brown Sugar Baby
03-02-2007, 22:48
I'll tell you what scarfs are in. The ones that men where after comming back from Hajj. They white and they either have, black, red, or navy blue square designs on them. No joke, they're in!
i got bareeeeee of them i call them haji-saaab scarfs lol wear them all the time got them in like 30 diff culers

03-02-2007, 23:05
palestinian scarves are the correct name.. yes i bought 1 of every colour back and in every style.. about 40 in total..

03-02-2007, 23:05
and u can buy em fro topman/topshop for &#163;14.99

03-02-2007, 23:07
I got a green one...

brown one.....

black one....

der da standard wooly ones... :D

04-02-2007, 11:23
aaahh they keeps me warm.

sheff gal
04-02-2007, 19:00
Yh them scarfz are in lol... in town u see every whte posh student galwiv one on!!!! i woz shoked lol !! but they just wear em as a accesorie coz they luk cute or match wiv wht they are wearin