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  1. ..Please..

    Please go home.......

    Dear Diary
  2. Hot dentist=Good teeth

    So I got a new dentist and to my surprise shes quite young and goodlooking…and shes the same religion as me, but shes married…oh well, anyway so I had an appointment with her -I walked into the room and witnessed her beauty light up the once cold dark and grim room, I thought to myself, I might start paying visits to the dentist more often…you see, my previous dentist was an old white man with a bald patch…when I had appointments with him I used to just wake up and go and sit on his chair and let ...
  3. -No Title Needed-

    I need to take a biggg long think about LIFE.

    1st day og summer hols.. ive been at home. had a good day tbh...
    Butt got sooo much s**t on my mind.

    butt recently ive been thinking about the futuree.

    I feel soo shitt. soo much on my mind. cba 2 type it.. whats the point. im being stupid...

    why isit you want something... you cant have itt..
    im soo weakkkk!
    i need 2 b more confident..

  4. ....

    So i said something out of anger...

    but that only came out after a year of digs... fine i said it on msn as thats where the convo was taking place.... but now I'm a so called "pussy" as i didn't say it to your face.. but you want me to.. so you can beat the shit out of me?

    I'm confident but its people like you that make me question it...

    so i said you'd need a "miracle" thats how you made me feel for the pass year with this countless diggs ...

    Updated 20-07-2008 at 04:06 by Cheeky_Princess

  5. care.....

    why do people hurt you when u care for them so much....
    you do so much for them,
    you look out for them,

    but eventually they all change.....hard to find true people.........
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