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  1. Watch Me Slip n Fall

    I Have This Dream
    a Dream Hard To Understand
    All i Know Is, Theres someone In That Dream
    I donno who she is, but all i know shes got black long hair, sometimes i wonder perhaps its one and only
    however why is it when i put my hand out theres no one there to grab it....
    its somthing, that i always wonderd,
    even in times of ages, theres no one there to grab it...even if i slip and fall will you grab my hand...
    or just watch me fall..into the nightmare... ...
  2. Greetings 2009

    Somewhat belated in bringing in the new year, what can I say, I've had a lot on my plate...

    No need to bore you with the details...

    I'll let Nina Simone do the talking for me...

    "Birds flyin' high, you know how I feel,
    Sun in the sky, you know how I feel,
    Breeze driftin' on by, you know how I feel,
    It's a new day,
    It's a new dawn,
    It's a new life for me....

    And I'm feelin' good...."
    Enchy's Pensieve
  3. cats

    call be a bender but i do love cats. i love them a lot more so the kittens like everyone who loves cats do.well this is my 1st blog so il kinda keep it sweet and short. my cats about 4 years old now and i love her to bits but shes a bit of a bitch wen it comes to showing some affection bk. the 1st thing i normally do when i get back home from work etc is to see to the cat. stroke her maybe feed her you know the standard stuff you do. everything has been fine until 2day. i came back from work and ...
  4. L.O.V.E.L.E.S.S

    Prologue (Poem)
    When the war of the beasts brings about the world’s end
    The goddess descends from the sky
    Wings of light and dark spread afar
    She guides us to bliss, her gift everlasting

    Prologue (Interpreted)
    When the war of the beasts brings about the world’s end
    The goddess descends from the sky

    Wings of light and dark spread afar
    She guides us to bliss, her gift everlasting

    Act I (Poem)
    Infinite in mystery ...
  5. Has Hamas done the impossible?

    have they?

    what israel couldnt do in the last 70 years?

    what the jews couldnt do in the last 1000 years?

    what the christians couldnt do in the last 1000 years?

    course i'm talking about the israeli land invasion and the constant attacks. today an attack killed 30 people and injured 55 at a UN ran school. the UN's teeth were long blunted even before this incident and long before the usa invaded iraq - that did alot of the damage to the UN though ...
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