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<![CDATA[The Asian Place - Desi Forum - Asian Forum - Blogs - Cheeky Princess's Palace .... by Cheeky_Princess]]> https://www.theasianplace.net/forum/blog.php?1777-Cheeky-Princess-s-Palace en Tue, 04 Jun 2024 07:35:36 GMT vBulletin 60 https://www.theasianplace.net/forum/images/metro/orange/misc/rss.jpg <![CDATA[The Asian Place - Desi Forum - Asian Forum - Blogs - Cheeky Princess's Palace .... by Cheeky_Princess]]> https://www.theasianplace.net/forum/blog.php?1777-Cheeky-Princess-s-Palace <![CDATA[It's not over....]]> https://www.theasianplace.net/forum/entry.php?601-It-s-not-over Fri, 19 Dec 2008 17:28:39 GMT Kabul hai?

and you'd think the drama would be over...

but no theres more fighting downstairs... why is he giving her that right? why so much money? his under her thumb blah blah blah..

at a time of happiness everyone is finding an excuses to fight its not fair... we should be singing and dancing but where all in the corner crying.. she's going to live with them for life... and it scares me.. he's fine.. but the family is not..

and being stuck in the middle is a whole load of issue.. my loyalty are with her... but ive been told not to mention the argument downstairs.... which i suppose is right.. but seriously its over? stop picking at it now...

Everyone was so fake at the mosque... i was relived so was he and she.. when we fort it was over.. there married now.. nobody can say anything but nope.. as soon as we got home... a whole load of bullshit came out.. another fight kicked up...

Tomorrows the reception she had to uninvite her own friends to fit in her in laws guests... its her wedding and its being controlled like that.... they just want to control her life.. I'm scared for her... i really am... like i said his not the problem but the family is.. why can't nobody be happy? we should all be playing the dohlki downstairs.. smiling etc not acting fake and civil with each other...

I really can't do this anymore.. i want to tell her and her sisters whats just happen but no i'm not allowed to so here i am letting the world know as i just had to get it out....
Cheeky_Princess https://www.theasianplace.net/forum/entry.php?601-It-s-not-over
Graveyards..... https://www.theasianplace.net/forum/entry.php?574-Graveyards Mon, 29 Sep 2008 23:01:40 GMT So i think after a good year or so i went to the graveyard after college it's been 6 years since my grandparents passed away and 2day was well the anniversary of my grandads death...

Anyways i bought flowers etc... but as soon as i got of the bus my heart felt a bit weak it wasnt about being scared of the graveyard it self or the fact i was going to it alone it was just... i knew they'd be more graves since the last time i came...

So well i walked down and stuff got to my grandparents prayed etc ..put a bit water on the graves.. lay the flowers sort it out a bit.. but thru my mind i kept thinking

Why am i here? I mean i no how badly it was going to upset me and it did.. yet there i went and got myself all upset its like why? why do i do this to myself? i mean i was pretty upset for the past few days cuz of issues at home ands its been like if my grandparents were here all this crap wudnt be happning.. and i mean i acknowledge the fact there not in this world no more..

yet theres a part of me that wishes they were still here as i no things wud be different if they were..
and i mean what if i got up an hour early 6 years back.. dadabo could have been saved or he wudnt have died a lonely death like he did... part of me blames myself... i no i shdnt but its that what if... cuz i mean dadeemee was lucky she died in the arms of my dad.. but my dadaboo died alone in a hospital bed and the nurses only discoved he was dead until we got there to visit him the person next to him said he changd his side an hour b4... if only we got there an hour b4... it could have been a proper good bye.. i hadnt seen him for a good week as well due to school etc his last moments were me seein him in pain not acting like himself.... but gosh if only that one hour would have made such a different..

I really miss him and the sweets and toys wed get everytime we'd visit him my baby sis is unlucky she'd never got the chance to get to no her grandparents like i did..

My dadee i miss her too.. we shared the same room the room i sit in now typin this blog i shared i mean my rooms pretty different so i actually dnt fink abt the time we had in here much here (messagin my legs sayin how tired i am prob from school when really she was the ones with the legs that were getting weak..) but its still the same space no matter if the walls or bed or wardrobes changed..

I Miss You Dadaboo and Dademee x
Cheeky_Princess https://www.theasianplace.net/forum/entry.php?574-Graveyards
.... https://www.theasianplace.net/forum/entry.php?547 Sun, 20 Jul 2008 03:05:30 GMT So i said something out of anger...

but that only came out after a year of digs... fine i said it on msn as thats where the convo was taking place.... but now I'm a so called "pussy" as i didn't say it to your face.. but you want me to.. so you can beat the shit out of me?

I'm confident but its people like you that make me question it...

so i said you'd need a "miracle" thats how you made me feel for the pass year with this countless diggs abt make up n hair...

if I'm Confident in who i am... then why not let me be?

Is it envy a bit of jealousy or the fact that we don't have similar interests no more

i don't try to be different I'm just not similar to you no more...

I try to build bridges i even text you happy birthday when you didn't text me on mine... i even asked how it went as i didn't come to it...

5 years of friendship... ups and downs..

We all change its part of growing up.... But I miss the old you... the one i use to dance with... make plays with... i changed you changed.. thats how it goes... i didn't want it to come to this.. but now it has... time to say goodbye and get on with life... even thou I'll have to still see you for a year... After that its Goodbye for ever...

You don't regret the people you make friends with you just learn not to make friends with those type of people no more... ]]>
Cheeky_Princess https://www.theasianplace.net/forum/entry.php?547
First Job... https://www.theasianplace.net/forum/entry.php?539-First-Job Tue, 08 Jul 2008 18:01:43 GMT ( note: i wrote this on sunday night just didnt post it as i was lazy to upload pics) So i have a very different first job compared to most people.. its not really a stable one.. like i did student ambassador stuff for college thru the year which i got payed for .. and now in the summer... ( note: i wrote this on sunday night just didnt post it as i was lazy to upload pics)

So i have a very different first job compared to most people..

its not really a stable one..

like i did student ambassador stuff for college thru the year which i got payed for ..

and now in the summer i'm part of the legacy now http://www.legacy-now.co.uk/

all about after the olympics and what should be left.. so basically we go out on event and consult the people and do little tasks and stuff.. maybe an interview to see what they want...

Saturday-Gay Pride

So this was the first one ever .. we got yellow t-shirts... got a briefing's how to play the game with the people.. also how to do the interviews.. at first it was pretty dry as the gay pride carnivel wasnt due till 2.. and it ws about 12 then.. so just hanged about tried grabbing few people draggin dem to our tent .. and getting them to do stuff..

People were camera shy so i suggest lets go out with the camera into Trafalgar square might be easier... there were simple questions i was asking all about community and its great experience im gettin cuz i wanna go into media and all..

So yeh went into the crowd of Gays, lesbians and Trannys... and asked them and stuff...

one lesbian ( she was hot ?>) asked her what the good thing about her community was.. and she goes " hot girls" LMAO...
inteviewed a tranny 2... sum gay men..
i mean der pretty normal.. it was an interesting experience for myself cuz in all honesty ive never had met a LGBT b4... and it was all good u no...
So yh my job basically consit of interviwing people and getting them to talk to the cam and do the consent form ( boring legal paper work lol) so yeh i mean i really enjoyed ysday! it was just a huge party..

(the tranny dude with the amazing bum)

when we were back at the tent.. there was this tranny guy wearing a thong feathers and a bra... but what all us girls cud not get over was his bum! OH MY... i am so serious he has such a perfect bum it was like unreal.. i tried takin a pic from the side when he was posin for sum1 lol.. seriously like such a perfect bum... we could not get over it.. it was one bum even the guys woudnt mind to slap!

So yh near the end most ppl were interested in the performances on the stage and stuff... so we just went there.. we got to leave an hour early.. so i just went into the crowd...
der was this hot lesbian emo couple snoggin face infront of me.. a mate of mine instructed to take pics of any hot lesbian.. but would have been rude?>

And yeah as you can see from that thread... GAY GUYS ARE HOT! maybe its cuz u no u cant have them! seriously der were 2 emo boys snoggin as well... but it didnt make me go yuck weridly enough.. maybe my mind has been opened up dunno... but yes.. so many hot boys but most of dem were prob gay :(:(

I saw the david beckham lookalike dude from my x law class there as well i should have approched him.. but fort leave it...

So yh still got payed till 6.. but by 5 was told we could go.. so i just went and mingled with randoms lol...

Basshunter came on.. which was LIVE.. oh my ... everyone was dancing and jumping i loved it.. love summer festivals! he took his top of 2... ?>

And some lady just started chatting 2 me... she was like oh you seem young your first time here ? and i was like.. yeh but i was working but im of now so fort id enjoy the music... and then she asked for my name and where i was from and stuff.... and NO she was not chatting me up just being friendly.. i like that about music festivals you just mingle with anyone and start dancing or whteva and its just fun!

and richard and leah from BB were the hosts of the thing and they were pretty funny hosts... the gay rugby team that came on stage stirpped all got der top of! n one of dem snogged richard on stage. and one of em but his head in leahs boobies LOL... told you it was rather interesting... i left around 6 after the geek girls which were good 2... walked thru lecister square into Trocedero were i played on the dance machines.... i'm rather crap but just watch ill be an expert one day lol and then yeh sat on the train and got home....

but yeh reflecting on the day it was just interesting i'm not saying i support the gays.. but there humans and dont deserve the homophobic abuse they do get... I mean only difference is they like the same sex... and there pretty normal and kool people.. i really want a gay friend now... lol but what was funny was being the minority of brown people there.. saw about 2/3 asians at the thing.. who were probs gay.. and then it was me... at first it was ok as i had my work t-shirt but after that it as like HMM asian at pride? world gone crazy? Lol

But i think due to my first day of my first job was so good it cursed the 2nd day...

which was 2day ( Sunday...)

Crystal Palace Youth games...

it sucked it was missons going there! it was raining i just had a hoody and t-shirt.. there wernt many people.. so pretty dry... got payed for doing hardly anthing ... but that dont work with me as i get bored so i ended up gettin a skull painted on my cheek and playing with the glitter and stuff we had in our tent lol

Oh and i hate the crystal palace area it is SO DEAD... i could never live there.. there Macdonald's had been shut down! which is just so werid?

2day didnt do the interviews just walked around handin leafelts and any people walkin pass getting them to do the consulation thing... i think i made a good impact thou.. got complimented a lot... and was told i should go into journalism as im a good communicator and i was like yh i want to go into media anyway.... and its all good.. the sort of experience i'm getting is great and most of all your building contacts and that was done all thru being involved in my youth project the architecture crew...

So yh it was one heck of a weekend i'm shattered....

Welcome to working life eh?
Cheeky_Princess https://www.theasianplace.net/forum/entry.php?539-First-Job
Exams-College-Random Stuff https://www.theasianplace.net/forum/entry.php?509-Exams-College-Random-Stuff Tue, 10 Jun 2008 19:25:43 GMT Since i hardly write blogs when i do there like MASSIVE BLOGS! (Pictures for the ones that aint gnna read it ) (seriously just copied it to word its like 3 A4 pages am i really that bored? ) time really does fly! So yeh been busy with exams and stuff... how did they go well lets see... Since i hardly write blogs when i do there like MASSIVE BLOGS! (Pictures for the ones that aint gnna read it ) (seriously just copied it to word its like 3 A4 pages am i really that bored? )

time really does fly!

So yeh been busy with exams and stuff...

how did they go

well lets see...


3D design exam.. went good apart from on the 2nd day i was in panik mode.. ad my leg structure for my chair model wasnt working but luckily the techiciton dude helped with the measurements and it all came 2geta in the end.. i was dancing around by the end of that exam :-)
Final Grade = B/C

^ My final piece.. abstract outdoor chair... public furniture...

After that i had the dreded exam of English... the subject i flopped in jan so had the retake for that as well... how did that go?
well the 1st section language went wicked ( since my passion was more on language then literature) the 2nd section was on jane austens EMMA... mind went blank.. thing went crap.... however the retake for once shakespare saved my ass as the poem "sonnet CXXX" came up in where he disses his mistress and "subverts the sonnet" still no my terminolgy eh? so yh i think i did really well in the retake.. i pray it all equalisis to a D in the end.... be happy if it was a C ... if i magically got a B however i would rethink and might not drop it!
Final Grade = C/D

oh yh i had business after that.. the main exam went cool... for you east londernes my case study was on MOBEEN! and i go pass 2 mobeens every day on the way to college im done with the exam yet still cant get away from it! the retake however i think it went crappish
Final grade = C

MY last exam was media.. had the half term to revise for that but it didnt go to well on revison.. it was just both our teachers had left... 2 monthes back and the new ones were crap or kept canceling lessons so we all stopped going to lessons... Media was my most confident subject but i truley felt lost with it now... From that A i wanted... i'm just happy getting a C now.... aslong as its a pass so i can move on to A2 wht makes it worse its wht i wanna do in uni!
So yeh the exam it self....
funny story actually on the way to college that day... my drink had opened in my bag and since my 3d design sketch book was due that day it got drink all over :o its an A3 sketch book as well.. so all the corners had a nice purple stain.. found my teacher all paniky.. and he being the safe dude he is was like carm down ill sort it out.. so gave it 2 him he dried it however it wasnt all clean : - (
anyways had my exam... 5 mins clip on stormbreaker however we had to write our notes in the dark :S stupid OCR dunno how i did but i managed... funny thing was i had finshed my book and had to keep putting my hand up and kept asking for paper.. everyone was just finkin wht der hell.... so yh i think i used like 6-8 extra papers :o thats for like all the sections film first then we had magazine stuff... and then technolgy ...
as soon as i was done with the exam.. my smile could not go away... was smiling like crazy i was FREEE!
Final Grade = B/C


hmm so that was exam stuff... results not till 14th august Pakistan independence day better bring good luck! after that i was pretty much free... and hit oxford street to give CVs out as im on a job finding mission and stuff ... and became a tourist in london as well.. went hamleys played with toys ?> was fun! and trocadero... yeh baby the dance machineee... and just nice day random walk... nice being a tourist in the city ive lived in all my life lol oh and saw americans thru that telescope fing i made a thread about... oh yh linked old mates.. was nice seeing them after ageas.. where just how we are.. love it! went afters had mango and vanilia milkshake was yum :D went to our old school after to find teachers was funny .. and the place where we use to chill we grafityed it before we left.. with our tag MARPNz .... our first name initials put 2geta... and well that had disapeard just like i suppose the real MARPNz crew friendship did 2 :(

erm wht else have i been up 2? *thinks*

Architecture Crew.

oh yh architecture crewwww stuff you no my youth things im always doing.. since im so pro active :D tis good you get a wicked CV and good results in the end...

made a podcast thing about the olympics :D went holden point where you get a view of the whole olympic area... where everything being built...

On 21s June... another one for you east londerners im going to be coming in an ice cream van.. well kind of .... where part of the olympic 2012 high street consalation project... so were going to be out there from startford to bow i think? asking people what they'd like as thats the road the 2012 marthon race going to be on....

Oh yh.... Stratford Park... Lift Festival!


It's this building we helped create a while back.... part of the consulation.. its a mobile building thats going places... so its going to go around the world... stuff to do with creative stuff... Olympics, drama, dance even partys can be held there! We get special preiview 2mrw.. and theres going to be a mural with our names on it ( well thats wht it said on the letter) as a way to say thank you to all the people that helped... so thats like young people... the kids.. us lot... even old people.. just random strangers in a way lol

what my point really is about it all is... that young ones.. get involved in your community its good to... cuz you have so much more to gain from things outside school and stuff.. i mean were going to start personal statment this week and i have so much shit i can chat about due to my experiences and you all know how i had trouble finding a job? well thanks to Fundamental.. Architecture crew... i've been offerd one.. well kind of.. its like little events once in a while... about the olympics... like the delivery authority and stuff.. like you let people know whats happning and stuff..... and yes people may think geek stuff.. she does all this and that but in the end i'll have one up from the rest .... so yeh people GET INVOLVED WITH YOUR COMMUNITY!

George Bush

blaah ive gone on for a while now.. oh yeh.. George Bush is coming on sunday..
Parliament Square 5pm Demonstration.. be there if you can..
helped gave out some leaflets 2day on green street with the newham stop the war group.. was fun in a way lol sum lady goes to us thats promating haterd? LMAO... and sum dude winked twat but yh it was on green street so what do you expect? lol ahh its fun being on the streets you notice things more lol

RIght i think i'll shut up now.... i go on a lot don't i?
they did name me motor mouth in my year book lol

oki dokey bye bloggy....

:D ]]>
Cheeky_Princess https://www.theasianplace.net/forum/entry.php?509-Exams-College-Random-Stuff
Being 17.... https://www.theasianplace.net/forum/entry.php?477-Being-17 Wed, 30 Apr 2008 17:27:06 GMT Its a Long ass Blog cuz im bored something id like to read in the future
Doubt anyone's actually going to read it but ahh well

Since i haven't wrote a blog in a while i thought i will..
so yeh its been a about a week since i turned 17? feels kinda werid growing up and stuff its like damn im 18 next year.... which is like an adult... where did all those years go???

The Actual Birthday
so i did my hair.. mosued it.... made it all curly i was a girl for once :D lol
erm... chilled with zubz who got me an enchanted dvd ( yes shaz you got to come over so we can watch it!!! *sings* How does she knowww* ?> oh and this coin belt thing i needed for my cuzinz wedding.... so thanks again man you rock :D
all through out the days was getting texts on my phone wishing me a happy birthday it was nice just recieveing texts from people i havnt heard from in ageas.... it made me realize whos my friends and whos not.. there like old school friends... that even thou we havnt chatted in ageas when we do were the same no matter how far apart we have been...

One thing kept me upset all day..... and that was the fact my 2 closest mates from secondary school who are also the ones that are with me in college didnt even bother to text me??? and its something ive been use to for the 5 years to receive a text from the 12 on the dot and that this time i didnt even recieve that... when i saw them it was just fake?? and then i grabbed one of dem.. and we went to my other mates colj who wasnt that far off from us.,.. but her phone was shut so she didnt no we were there! oh well went back to colg.... and then walked around like a loner finding people i no lol had about half an hour till last lesson so went for a ice cream :D magnum yum num it really cheared me up i seriously needed it!!! Got thru lesson then.. was at the bus stop and i dont no why but i started crying ?> just a few tears... cuz i was missing my "old" mates b4 they changed and stuff....

Got home.. chilled went over to my cuzinz for a bit... then at home.. cut the cake with fam when my bro came home..got £100 from the parents and a new 8gb ipod nano from the older bro... but to make it worse my little bro threw a tantrum... cuz i got a new ipod since i always took his and thats its not fair blah blah blah...

took like a zillion pics of myself cuz im werid like that and i no im hot n stuff esp on that day... since i made an effort for once LOL ?>

London College of Communication-Uni of Arts London

So i went to an open day on the day after my bday here....
i had one funny journey as i urm bumped into someone ?> who i fort was stalking me but in the end i stalked them to say hello

So yeah... when i saw the uni from the outside it was like a block of flats and i was like no way am i going here!!! but when i went inside... i really liked it... found out more about there combined degree in marketing and advertising with media and cultural studies <<< hopefully what i think is the final thing i want to do in uni!!!!
yeah really liked it... they had a nice canteen area.... nice su bar.. lol the library was good as well ... lecture rooms interiors wernt that bad so i dont think id fall asleep in them just yet lol

so yeah the uni seemed like something id fit into really well be myself and stuff... so i think its defo gnna be one of my top choices.. esp as it comes under uni of arts london..... the whole creative industery

the best bit about my degree is the term we got for work experience which is something that is needed in getting a job in the end

obvs im still gnna be visting more uni open days and stuff... BUT it really makes me feel old :( seriously... like wow im actually looking for a uni that im gnna be in for 3 years scary stuff man :(


On friday i got a late bday present from a girl in my media class flowers and a smarties choc cake.. that was my 2nd cake LOL
it was really nice getting it from her.. <3 lol since when i first started college we wernt like on the same level... she use to laugh along with the girls that use to pick on me in media .. but now i just love her

On Saturday went out with cuzinz to finally do something for my birthday

we went Tinseltown... ive always heard of the place and now i have finally been to it...
we had foodage which wasnt that bad...

and then my cuzinz got me the tinseltown bday message thing.. where it gets played on the TV and you get your own award and stuff and they also got me a cake ( lol my 3rd one) ?> oh and the milkshakes were yummy num num

had fun with cuzinz talking about my cuzinz wedding coming in december how time flies etc

then we went for a walk about in Towerhill near st catherines docks... views are always nice at night.. but most of all the weather was amazing!!! it was just such a nice night....

got home just b4 12 :D

And yeah thats really what i've been up to...
and well boring revison and stuff inbetween ...

bye bloggy blog see you when something interesting happens in my life again lol

wow ive wrote loads..... i was bored ?>
Cheeky_Princess https://www.theasianplace.net/forum/entry.php?477-Being-17
Iraq.... 5 years on https://www.theasianplace.net/forum/entry.php?429-Iraq-5-years-on Sat, 15 Mar 2008 22:42:49 GMT *So 2day I went to the iraq 5 years anniversary demo. I just realized the iraq war started when my sis was born.. shes now 5 it really is a LONG time…* * The aims of 2day was all about getting the * *-Troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan* *-Don’t attack Iran* *-End the siege of Gaza*... So 2day I went to the iraq 5 years anniversary demo. I just realized the iraq war started when my sis was born.. shes now 5 it really is a LONG time…
The aims of 2day was all about getting the
-Troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan

-Don’t attack Iran

-End the siege of Gaza


MY GOSH it was amazing… yes it was my first and its gnna be the first of many.. the turnout was amazing…

I went and linked the stop the war newham group in startford and from there we went to trasfalager squre.

Wow we got there at 12… speeches were happning from people like Geroge Gallowaly to Nick Bloomsfield…

It was PACKED… but what amazed me most was the diversity… there were people in wheelchairs, to little babies…. It was amazing..

The group I was with was the new respect.. .. respects basically split in two… there was a huge row with geroge n stuff.. cuz they didn’t turn up for sum elections thing.. so basially its been forced to split its still kind of respect but its not if u get what I mean? The lady frm BB Carol was there met her. She is tottaly how she was on BB! Shes part of the new respect.. .which is actually called the left list now.

So yh hanged about, listenin to some of the speeches handed some leaflets out. Then ate sum free food ... those harie krishnaa people were there givin out daal, chawal and Bombay mix it was yum so yh that was out lunch basically…

It was good having conversations with people who really understood where I was coming from. I mean I was talking to much older people in our group but I felt good. Im inspired to start a group up in my college and im gnna look into it.

Then about 2 the march started we basically the route was frm trasfalgae square to past big ben across Westminster bridge to lambath bridge and back to parliament square.
So yeh we headed of on the march and it was fun all those chants
“ say hey ho… bush and brown have got to go ”
“ Power to the people”
“ This isn’t what democracy looks like this *points big ben* This is what democary feels like (points as self) etc
“ in our 100s and 1000s we are all palstines ( a bit of the demo was also about palistine)
“Get the troops, troops, troops out now…”
“bush and blair.. how many kids have you killed 2day?”
Ahh there were so many… my group were so good at starting them.. we use to start them and the people with the speakerphones use to start it off as well..
Man there were so many people… we were walking on lambarth bridge back to parliament square and there were ppl still coming who were on Westminster bridge just wow man.. just wow! there were ppl dressed up.. we even saw 2 ladies in a wedding dress!
Got loads of different information and stuff that im defo going to read up on.
We got to parliament square where theree were more speeches and stuff. I had a browse around there were more stalls.. a dude from the communist group went n stood ontop of the statues lol

What I loved was how on the paving stone there was messages.. people put in with the chalk wicked!

Hanged about a bit.. saw more people come in and stuff…
Then it was bt 4:15 said bye to my group had one more look around and bought this t-shirt:

I was gnna buy the bush no1 terrorist one but like his leavin in December so might be slight out of date so bought the one for Palestine which il wear at the demo in may!

So yes it was my first experience, met good people… all united for one cause… amazing people frm up to Manchester came down. People that were disabled, people that were kids, people from every race, the old the young… got to say wow…
So yes I look forward to more demos… but in a sense I hope they wont be none. Cuz den you no you have won..
Amount of people that say to me.. it’s a waste of time is unbelievable… if you don’t do something about it.. show you didn’t support the illegal war.. nothings gnna happen
Change might be slow but it WILL be effective!
Power to the people! ]]>
Cheeky_Princess https://www.theasianplace.net/forum/entry.php?429-Iraq-5-years-on
Crap e ness https://www.theasianplace.net/forum/entry.php?418-Crap-e-ness Sat, 08 Mar 2008 18:41:42 GMT i feel shit,crap or anyother adjective to describe it.... wht is an adjective? a describin word right *goes n checks* ... see i dnt even no wht it is... " a word that defines attriubutes of a noun" << i mean where the hell did i get describing word from? u see there u go.. im stupid and im dumb.. i dnt even no my basic in english so nowonder i friken floppd that exam i mean i flopd with having an annotated antholgy.... whats gnna happen in june when i ave a blank piece of text about this book called emma that i no jack shit about????? ;(

i no i missid the start of the subject cuz i transferd frm law.. maybe thats why im crap at it? :(

i mean i was soo good at it at GCSE... u no i got 2As but As is just a killer

you see i thought i was over the fact i got shit grades for my first jan exams... i mean i can resit it so thats lucky i guess...
but what bought me back down was when i saw how much more revison i got 2.... i mean i dnt no how im gnna cope,,, and with a lot of work on the side

i was on the brink of dropin english 2day but guji stoppd me n was like its more den half a year now.. only couple of more monthes so its not worth it i guess his right
its just courswork n stuff m fine but the exam which is lit.. which i hate is really killing me...

and what makes it worser is dad sent my laptop mouse botton 2 get repaired the left click the man orderd the part and switchd dem both around i got frusted so badly cuz of everything that ive messd up the right botton as well now GRRRRR

and like mum made me clean the whole house 2day and that was wht triggerd my tears i dnt mind helpin out but it was just i was gnna do work 2day.. and look i didnt cuz i did the cleanin up n den i saw how much ive got 2 revise n has basically been in tears all day...

ive done jack at all ... i did a BIT... but dats it...
i got 2 get my act 2geta i need to SORT myself out... its so messd up....


i dnt fink im gnna do any work 2day i just need to get over my stupid breakdown 2day..
sorry for the depressing blog
thanks for reading
Cheeky_Princess https://www.theasianplace.net/forum/entry.php?418-Crap-e-ness
Art Conference and Open day https://www.theasianplace.net/forum/entry.php?407-Art-Conference-and-Open-day Sat, 01 Mar 2008 20:57:42 GMT *So yesterday i went to the foruth plinth confrence which is basically about.. the fourth plinth in trasfalgar square and modern art.... http://www.london.gov.uk/fourthplinth/ 4 of the 6 artists were there... and i was with the architecture crew and we had done a workshop to ask them... So yesterday i went to the foruth plinth confrence which is basically about.. the fourth plinth in trasfalgar square and modern art....


4 of the 6 artists were there... and i was with the architecture crew and we had done a workshop to ask them questions.. so in the conference we got to ask them questions like what do you think about graffti? and lol dey were like its cool LOL and like ask them about there future propsal works etc... was intresting.... after that we got to mingle with the artists in person while eatin sum foood LOL.....

from the 6 pieces my fav was Antony Gormleys whos idea is basically this...

Antony Gormley proposes that the fourth plinth is occupied 24 hours a day by members of the public who have volunteered to stand on it for an hour at a time. Over a period of 12 months, 8,760 people would take part. ‘Through elevation onto the plinth and removal from common ground’, explains Gormley, ‘the subjective living body becomes both representation and representative, encouraging consideration of diversity, vulnerability and the individual in contemporary society’. This is particularly pertinent in the context of Trafalgar Square with its military statues honouring specific individual

^^^ i really like the concept of this idea..

my other fav is...

‘The presentation of the spoils of war to a curious public dates back at least to the Roman Empire. My idea for the fourth plinth performs a similar role’, says Jeremy Deller, ‘It is not an artwork, but the remains of a vehicle that has been destroyed in an attack on civilians in Iraq’.

^^^ now thing about that... a car in the trasfalgar square thats beeen destroyed in the iraq war.. something real in the square u no...
^^^ i talked to this artist and i was like to him.... do u reckon theres hidden agedas etc behind the war anad he was like yh defo... he was a nice guy... he reminded me of mr tumnas frm narnia....

so yh ysday was pretty much intresting....

2day was colleges open day

i was helpin out ... lol it was pretty funloll we got t-shirts and that as well lol :D i like it apart frm der fact its HUGEEEEEE on me lol

erm my 1st group of ppl i had 2 show around wre bow boys LOL typical sort and that... didnt annoy me so its ok....

had diffrent sorta ppl at times i had parent and student.. etc.. one girl was here for foundation art.... i got 2 say i learnt quite a bit about that course we were there for like AGEAS....

had a group of girls... gosh dey were prbly the longest ppl i was stuck with and the most BORING..... had 2 go like back n fourth etc wiv dem grrrr

der wre 3 pretty group of girls i showed around 2 .... but gosh dey were wearing HEELS.. like PROPA... and like full on makeup.....

lol my funniest lot i got 2 say were these 2 boys i had... gosh...dey were so friken cheeky and so flirty!
had to show em the gym and that dey wree like "ahh im gnna work out etc..."
n den like.. dey like go 2 me... "are der like loads of asian girl dat come here like fit and that? "
LOL and im like u here to check out girls or study? dey like 2 study .... yh right n den i saw dem checkin out girls... and i said loudly stop checkin girls out! :D haha
one of them goes " man im from ilford i got ilford girls" <<< i got 2 say i agreed wiv him der... ilford gals got bad rep... lol ?>
i think the funniest was when i got 2 dem when we were walkin pass the conexions office " you can get free contraceptions from here" ( i fink dey might just need em next year) made em laff ?> LOL dey were cheeky idiots but dey were entertaining..... lol :D

so yh... prbly took a good 7-10 groups about... gosh i swear ive seen so much more to my college.. cuz normaly u only go 2 ur subject classes ive seen all these other rooms LOL hidden stuff lol

taking people around were so funny i got a lot of ICT students.... and my mate was the subject guide... i kept taking people to him and making him do his job tis was funny ?>

and like i kept bumpin into all my other mates it was fun a lot of random jokes etc

oh yh we got £3.00 food voucers lol i used it to the dot LOL yes im asian and what? LOL

so like yh was helpin out from like 10 till like 3:30... and den when was walking back with mates.. for sum next us reasons.. 5 of us got into the fonebooth.. squashed up 2geta... tryna pretend were stuck and that took video need to get dat off my mate lol
my mate naz goes "this looks wrong u no 2 girls 3 guys" trust guys 2 see the wrongness:Q


ahhh and i found out why my mate fox was missing poor guys in hospital had to get appendix removed.. hope he gets well! :sad:

so yeh had 2 interesting days i got 2 say!

over and out!
Cheeky_Princess https://www.theasianplace.net/forum/entry.php?407-Art-Conference-and-Open-day
Paris- EXTRA EXTRA LONG! https://www.theasianplace.net/forum/entry.php?350-Paris-EXTRA-EXTRA-LONG! Mon, 04 Feb 2008 19:38:12 GMT *WARNING EXTRA LONG BLOG! ( its also a way for me to look back on it just incase i forget) LOL So.. Since ive been back thats what everyone has asked me how was paris? so i fort lets blog this! If i was to give my trip one word it would be RANDOM...... just like i am perfect match u... WARNING EXTRA LONG BLOG!
( its also a way for me to look back on it just incase i forget) LOL

So.. Since ive been back thats what everyone has asked me how was paris? so i fort lets blog this!

If i was to give my trip one word it would be RANDOM...... just like i am
perfect match u see...

anyways it started off with me being "late" apprntly my teacher is sooo disorginised she didnt tell us about any registration at 9:30 i fort we were meeting at 10.. so that was the time i got there! but didnt matter.. i was just round the corner when she called anyways...
we had the posh snobs from bham at the back.. as were sharing our coach with them.. i got a good seat next to D whos a funny guy opposite my soon to be partner in love :p... trip started off with us just talkin n listing to out ipods... then C took her cards out and we started all playing blackjack.. and it was cuz of these cards we beacme really tight over a matter of a day with the guys behind us...
so most of the jorney went like that to be honest...

We got there about 6pm... got into rooms.. ROOMS WERE TINYYYYYYYYYYY
but 2 be honest didnt matter not like we were going to stay there! sorted stuff out.. grabbed the guys behind us.. and hit the GETTO of Paris.. and man im serious out hotel was in the outter area of paris.. so yes it was getto..... grafity eveywhere... looked shitty.. at times i forgot i was in paris.. we were pissid about the location at first.. but then we realised it didnt matter where we were it was about the people we were with...
We first went to go and eat... i bought sum pizza thing.. which was DRY but it was ok that and a drink only for 10 euroes so not too bad!

after that one of the guys who was 18 wanted to go clubbin.... but we didnt find one.. and it wasnt like any of us were gnna get in cuz th guys were short and us girls looked like babys! so we set off on a LONG walk just randomly posing in werid places taking random pictures....
paris is soo garftyd! and i mean to the MAX.. but there grafity is art like look at this :

[ those on my facebook will see them all]

it lead us to sum canal thing where we met a bengli french guy.. as a joke one of my mates was like is it free and he just gave us a rose.. we then found out he was bengli and one the guys was bengli so started talking to him.. gosh he was such a nice guy! it was nice to no there weer nice guys out there.... and in the end we took sum pics with him.. and he ended up giving us wll of his roses.. so we all had a huge bunch of roses.. . and that lead to more pics... from holdin the rose in your mouth to pretentin where givin it 2 each other.... he actualy wanted to show us around and take us all 2 his house.. but we didnt ave time for that.. but was nice meeting a good guy ...
we carried on walking seeing loads of pharmacys there were a bit to many TRUST! more random photo times... in one of them me and my mates were in too glass phone boothes... and it was like were trapped 2geta pretendin we were kissin each other dats kinda how the lesbianism started as a joke ?>

we walked back.... took a sort cut took an alleyway but got back safe and sound and b4 out curfew of 12 o clock... which was really suprising....

Since me and C had all gthe food in our room.. our room was the PARTY room.. the guys stayed in our room till like 4... we were just randomaly talkin etc.. it was pretrty funny as the guys put the 2 single bed seperate and me and my mate were like.. no we wont them 2geta ;) it was funny cuz just over a couple of hours we were all just talking like we've known each other for AGEAS! we were so open cracking the rudest and dumbest jokes der were... when the guys went...
me and C got down to business
Ok... nah only kiddin we just had girly heart to heart talks about random things... we said goodnight about an hour ago... but we kept talking out to get a bit of a nap it was like next person that talks gets a slap LOL

(power rangers pose)

we woke up abt 6:30 had a shower.. got ready to have the manky breakfast downstairs.... then us lot wree in the coach by 8 ready to go! but we ad to wait for ths stupid posh snobs from bham who were LATE.. prbly cuz dey had hangovers from ysday as dey were drunk and the cheeky idiots complained about our lot being nosiy so we lose our deposit!!!! but hah 2 them we didnt

Confrence was BORING to the max... slept thru it.. it was quite big no1 wud ave noticed and out teachers didnt care so they let us out by 1 anyways 2 do what we want!

we then took the metro train there version of out underground which aingt abd u no .. to the effile tower... took pics there and then did the river cruise to see all the sights in one go.... there was a bit in that cruise where the commentgy bit goes under this bride close ur eyes and make a wish its also a perfect place for a kiss.... us lot chdnt stop laffing the guys were like come yea as if.. i had my lovely mate for that LOL jsut kiddin it was just too funny were far too imature oh yeh and while we wer on the cruise on the side we saw 2 gay men AT IT! im serious one was on top of each other it really is the city of LOVE!

we then had to get back when the confrence ended so the coauch takes us back to the hotel for a bit and then we can go out again.... we went back .. chillid for about 2 hours.. C n one of the guys sneeked sum alchol in.. they drank it... didnt really effect them that much.. we then was gnna go "clubbing" LOL didnt work this time either as we first went to the lovra... actually i took them there as i really wanted to go and see the glass prmaid...

lol we ate first and then found it... was to late 2 go clubbing anyways
took metro back.... that guy and C this time bought sum more alchol... this time it was a misson sneeking it in for them as teh teachers were in lobby but they manged to... they did get a bit tipsy but it was just soo funny!

oh yeh i forgot 2 add everyday i did sumthing clumsy from dropping my drink to my fork or just sumthing but it made everyone laff!

Then we got a bit crazy me and my mate wanted to find french men wth curly mostaces we didnt find them so us 3 girls became them with out eyeliner those pics are just so funny! 2 of us.. grabbed a rose and knocked on out teachers door to give it 2 her but shes didnt open so we went 2 sum other ppls room (from our college and gave it to them) walked around the hotel with eyeliner on our face LOL ppl prbly fort we were drunk lol but us to wernt as we dont drink .. u see i dnt need alchol to do crazy stuff!

then that other group of people visted our room so in this tiny box room we had about *counts on fingers* 12 people... we kinda got annoyed as it was 2 packed so i acted if i was tired and made the other group leave and then called the usal clan back... it lead to people playing true and dare only played for one round in that just didnt feel comftable wiv certin fings but i played chardes and that was FUN! then i felt a bit sick so i layed down for a bit and had like a 2 hour nap, slowly everyone went 2 nap for a bit.. only ones left was us 2 girls and one of the guys... C was in the middle me on one side and one the guys on the other.. and then since them 2 were talkin for a bit i joined them in my sleep.. i started sleep talking!!! and apprntly from what i remember i was talking about FISHES!!! i really cnt member why fishes out of everything!!! it was quite funny thou..... den woke up lead to packing etc...

then we had to find a shoppin place.. shops were closed!!! so we went kinda central and found sum shops.. bought sum stuff.. ibought a man u top thing from a nike town in paris so yh

came back... my stomach was playin up... grr french food... went in the coach slept a bit and then just talked and memberd the good times we had.. as soon as i hit the UK.. my free txt were back so was txting like crazy texted C even thou she was sitting near me... and i got the reply "U!Me!Toilets!Sexytime! LOL i really should stop acting like one at times.. i blame the girls schools both me and her came from

and that my friends was my paris trip.. dunno if u lot read it or whteva.. but if not its just a way for me 2 member it myself

Cheeky_Princess https://www.theasianplace.net/forum/entry.php?350-Paris-EXTRA-EXTRA-LONG!
My Day at Guantánamo https://www.theasianplace.net/forum/entry.php?281-My-Day-at-Guantánamo Fri, 11 Jan 2008 21:43:26 GMT As some of you may no.. i went to a demonstration 2day.. one of my first for may inshallah....... ( but hopefully the last for this purpose)

It's been 6 years since Guantanamo has opend.... 6 years on injustics.. its time to stop it honestly....

but this is where the problem lies... we asians.. espically muslims always go on about how bad it is.. and stuff.. yet we don't do nothing about it... 2day the demonstartion proved me that cuz... the majorty of people there were white.. couple of other ethncitys here n there.. saddnd me... i mean i guess it routes down to the problem.. that ppl ave the meantlity " OH id doesnt work, so i aint gnna bother, ill be wasting my time" things like this do work... yes it does take time.. but if we werent to do this.. women wudnt have the vote now? i mean... ppl really should stop complaing and get out there and do something even if its just a letter or actualy going out there...

anyways more about this demo i went to..
i was outside the american embassy near gosovner square.... in the rain.. yes a lot of rain... anyways suprising a good 200 people turned up dispote the rain.. we all got dressed up in out orange boiler suits, put on our gas masks and out googles.... we were now entering prisoner mode... yeap for a whole hour we were the prisoner.... it was an expirence .... even thou it was an ACT.. we had american guards... 2 cages and even dogs... i felt the fear.... i mean only one can imagine its much much worser there ... we were givin orders..... bow.. get on your knees.. hand on ur heads.. don't slouch.... "bow thorwards the american flag... not mecca" intresting indeed..... and it consited of that.. and sometimes randomly grabbing one of the people and throwing them in the cage.... it was an expirence... ive always been against this sort of stuff.. but now my passion is rageing.. anger and all......... we ended the demo.. with the pharse "close guantanamo now.. several times" very effective demo.... i must say....

anyways it ended and we put away out stuff... then i wanted to get one of the orange t-shirts that said "close guantanmo" asked der lady if i cud buy one.. she den goes "oh u no wht just take it for free" so i wore it to college in the afternoon didnt care if it was medium.. not fashnoble.. main thing was it had a message on it.......

If anyone wants to find out more heres sum links about it



oh n i found a pic of me :D
cnt really see me as it was rainin so im hiding under my hood, googles and gas mask

Cheeky_Princess https://www.theasianplace.net/forum/entry.php?281-My-Day-at-Guantánamo
Hyper Day https://www.theasianplace.net/forum/entry.php?82-Hyper-Day Sat, 27 Oct 2007 00:32:43 GMT neways went 2day and gosh i had fun... well i am a natural presenter.. i have a good flare to it.. so we were at Stratford** and green...]]> I had a very Hyper day 2day....
well i finally went 2 the film project for the arcitecture crew.. it was a 5 day thing.. but i was busy sleepin n doin work ?>
neways went 2day and gosh i had fun...
well i am a natural presenter.. i have a good flare to it..
so we were at Stratford
and green street randomly interviewing diffrent people about there forts abt the regeneration of newham..
met sum good, funny. big, small, old all sorts of people..
neways at startford station... a whole group of typical, rudeboy idiots.. haha was so funny
i said to them " wanna do a interview its for BBC london" they just jumped at the chance like no mans bussienss"
neways i asked one of dem a question...
describe newham...
" its crap man"
me: err why is it crap
" just is init"
me: ok so u wanna move out?
" nah man.. i love my road i cnt.. im always living ere"
me: errr ok den... is it dat community?
all of the boys : NAH MAN ITS THE BOYS IN THE HOOD!!!

^^^ GOSH if i wasnt presenting i wud ave staretd laffing... stupid typical idiots.. really made me laugh.....

neways showed dem the olympic plans
" u no this area man im gnna own it by 2012 im gnna be bare rich and stuff""
^^^ gosh funny people

it was a really big laff... i made so much fun of them after i chdnt help it ?>

and on green street.. i was interviwin sum1....
and as usal.. .car goes pass and goes
" oi take ur cap of and give it 2 me"
no1 disses my beenie cap!!!! :eek:
i was just like shut up..

hate green street.... always get lines n stuff thrown at u

ahh neways came home had a shower..
and watched for the 1st time.. a pakistan film that was decent
it was based in america, uk and afganstain.. based around asian life... directd by pakistanis had indian actors... linkes wiv 9/11 and stuff....
film name: Kudha ki vasta... << recomand it!

so yh had a very good day...
and no chillin in VIOP hehe ;)
Cheeky_Princess https://www.theasianplace.net/forum/entry.php?82-Hyper-Day
Kidz Bdays... https://www.theasianplace.net/forum/entry.php?44-Kidz-Bdays Sat, 20 Oct 2007 22:29:48 GMT *Neways 2day i got forced 2 go 2 a 5 year olds bday...... well his a cuzin.. his in my sis class 2.... couple of kids frm my sis class abt 15 kids alltogther! :o and 2 pregy ladies lol :p n my mum didnt wanna go so i had 2 go.. they had it in a lil hall fing.. neways... adults were at the... Neways 2day i got forced 2 go 2 a 5 year olds bday......
well his a cuzin.. his in my sis class 2....
couple of kids frm my sis class
abt 15 kids alltogther! :o and 2 pregy ladies lol :p
n my mum didnt wanna go so i had 2 go..
they had it in a lil hall fing..
neways... adults were at the house..
while i was left wiv the kids...
i was so bored.... calld a mate up.. and he said 2 me.... get dem 2 play duck duck goose. .. and sing songs.. and i DID and it was fun!!! until.. the adults walked in.. so i went all shssd?>
he cut the cake..
cake was yummy.. food not that bad..
calld up an idiot who finally picked up.. talked for like 3 mins... wiv werid accents..... and then had 2 go n eat/..
err helped set up musical chiars..
but the losers got the prize as kids were gettin upset whn they lost lol
so whoever got out.. one by one they wud all get a prize.. sum kiddz were losing on purpose!!!!

ahh kids make me laff... i mean i love playin wiv dem.. but i would ave preferd 2 be home being a lazy asss.... so dats why i was bit pissid off since mum forced me 2 go..
didnt turn out dat bad i guess...

so erm yeh lol
Cheeky_Princess https://www.theasianplace.net/forum/entry.php?44-Kidz-Bdays
one lesson and a bit of bunking..... https://www.theasianplace.net/forum/entry.php?39-one-lesson-and-a-bit-of-bunking Thu, 18 Oct 2007 17:20:40 GMT well 2day i had 2 lessons media studies frm 9 to 10.30 and den next lesson frm 2:30 anyways... i came 2 media 20 mins late... bustin in u no.. wiv my new beanie cap ... but my media teacher LOVES me.. so she didnt say jack.... 2 mins later 2 other girls walked in and they got shouted at hehe... well 2day i had 2 lessons
media studies frm 9 to 10.30 and den next lesson frm 2:30

anyways... i came 2 media 20 mins late... bustin in u no.. wiv my new beanie cap ... but my media teacher LOVES me.. so she didnt say jack.... 2 mins later 2 other girls walked in and they got shouted at hehe ?>

i was up2date wiv most my work.. so read the metro lol...

erm hanged abt wiv my mate in the canteen for my 1st free... was borin... friends change.. blah..

then a lunch i had duke of ed meeting.. where we did sum map reading skills

finshd dat at 1... grabd a mate... went down 2 the high street and got suck wings n chips... toook anova rooute bck 2 college.... sum next long ass route.. cuz i wanted 2 xplore and see where that road takes me..
luckily we didnt get lost ?>

then... in the refectory area at college... had my chicken and wings... wiv a lot of mayo n ketchhup on it... lol yea it looked.. ewww
but dats the trick.. u offer no1 takes :p

ate that... hanged around wiv guji ji... n his friends.. well der my friends as well now ') :p

which was fun.. i was meant 2 go bck 2 lesson at 2:30.. but i had lit and lang.. well it was lit 2day.. and i dnt like lit... and since ive lost this weeks EMA neways cuz i had dat interview.... i wasnt really botehrd...
u can catch up wiv lit neways.. so urm yeh..
n also.. since it was the last lit lesson b4 halfterm means i didnt get der homework?>:p

erm yh... no1 noticed me in my new hat.. which i like and gives me a good look...

:D ]]>
Cheeky_Princess https://www.theasianplace.net/forum/entry.php?39-one-lesson-and-a-bit-of-bunking
Media Trip..... https://www.theasianplace.net/forum/entry.php?35-Media-Trip Wed, 17 Oct 2007 16:03:50 GMT lol but neways i still had a lot of fun... had supploies in my bag.....]]> neways i had a media trip 2day to empire cinima at lecister square...
we watched children of men.. and what a intresting film it is... tou the ending is boring...
the green eyed boy in my media class didnt turn up ?>

lol but neways i still had a lot of fun... had supploies in my bag.. pringles n mnms...

we finshd by 12:30... had fun wiv 2 other girls.. but they were goin home.... n i didnt wanna... so i wonderd around the city like a loner on my own..

my inital plan was 2 see if i can still mke it 2 the protest. at channel 4 studios.. but they were leavin neways.. then contactd... my friend who i fort was at uni.. but she wasnt.. so decided 2 wonder on my own...

neways i 1st wonderd around lecister square.. then went 2 the national portrat gallery for a bit.. then into the place where i learn 2 walk.. trasfalgar square.... then b4 i knew it i ended up in picadelly... and i hadnt been trocedoro in AGEAS.. so went in there gfor a bit.. played dat 2p machie.. lol got sum money... n a 10p coin lol

den der was a clairs shop... bought my beanie cap :D which i really like...
bought a subway.... and came home..

well not home.. walked down locol high street.. hit connections 2 vote for local youth mayor.. den pickid my sis frm school...

hehe so yeh it was quite a fun and intresting day!
Cheeky_Princess https://www.theasianplace.net/forum/entry.php?35-Media-Trip