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Awkward moment

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[SIZE=3]I went to my boys house a few days ago with his girlfriend and we were playing abit of Xbox, gears of war as you do…we were winning 3-1 when my friends dad runs in to the room not knowing we were there with a pokemon hand towel covering his penis…he saw us and jumped and ran straight out, it all happened in slow motion and I kept repeating it in my head unintentionally…my friends girlfriend felt awkward and said I have to go, and my boy was just laying stomach down on the bed with a pillow covering his head out of embarrassment…I was trying my utmost best to not burst out laughing and tears of laughter were rolling down my face…I didn’t know what to do, I just put my hand on his shoulder and said don’t worry and pretended my mum called and I have to go home, because I be damned if I see his father again…[/SIZE]

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  1. LuBz's Avatar
    Lollllll eugh..
  2. Spider Pig's Avatar
    whole new meaning for 'pikachu'

    why would he run into that room?!
  3. Cheeky_Princess's Avatar
    LAMO a hand towel as well

    oh my gosh

  4. Ranj's Avatar
    Ah parents always there to embarrass us at the best times.

    Funny story KC.
  5. Zero's Avatar

    KC being the gentleman he is...pretended his mum called.

    A true samaritan.
  6. Shaz.'s Avatar
    lol oh lord..poor dude..
  7. Axii's Avatar
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