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All Is Good ...

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in the hood !

been a good day :)

woke up at 1pm, after me n Halle Berry has a wild night ...

chilled, baz came over, anihalated him at fight night (uh oh, somebody has learnt how to do haymakers !)

went to the gym, great session on the biceps. lookin' tonk.

bought a xbox for a great price with pro evo,

what more can i ask? :)

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  1. Spider Pig's Avatar
    dude wtf?!

    anihalated? you forgot about the greatest 1 punch ko ever! lol how could yu the whole street heard me shoutin, including that old man that decided to tell me whoever parked infronta his garage is guna get banged out! lmao!!

    man it was a draw lol, plus I was jabbing and doing some amazing combo's and you were just haymakerin the shit to the left eye lool

    it was good tho, needed a challenge, it was getting boring! lol I just wont do as many jabs next time

    btw barry has the game for the xbox 360, shall I borrow it off him?
  2. LuBz's Avatar
    Looking like a tank more like..
  3. Spider Pig's Avatar
    /\ thats actually a compliment btw lolol
  4. LuBz's Avatar
    Oopsie.. Fat then Aint no compliment about that
  5. Spider Pig's Avatar
    lols he wont care, yuv said tank now, thats it, you realise what you've created?!!
  6. LuBz's Avatar
    A bigheaded monster?

    Ish all good I can slap him back to reality
  7. Rizolicious's Avatar
    i am a machine
  8. .Prizzle.'s Avatar
    u smelllllllllllllllll
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