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Exams-College-Random Stuff

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Since i hardly write blogs when i do there like MASSIVE BLOGS! (Pictures for the ones that aint gnna read it ) (seriously just copied it to word its like 3 A4 pages am i really that bored? )

time really does fly!

So yeh been busy with exams and stuff...

how did they go

well lets see...


3D design exam.. went good apart from on the 2nd day i was in panik mode.. ad my leg structure for my chair model wasnt working but luckily the techiciton dude helped with the measurements and it all came 2geta in the end.. i was dancing around by the end of that exam :-)
Final Grade = B/C

^ My final piece.. abstract outdoor chair... public furniture...

After that i had the dreded exam of English... the subject i flopped in jan so had the retake for that as well... how did that go?
well the 1st section language went wicked ( since my passion was more on language then literature) the 2nd section was on jane austens EMMA... mind went blank.. thing went crap.... however the retake for once shakespare saved my ass as the poem "sonnet CXXX" came up in where he disses his mistress and "subverts the sonnet" still no my terminolgy eh? so yh i think i did really well in the retake.. i pray it all equalisis to a D in the end.... be happy if it was a C ... if i magically got a B however i would rethink and might not drop it!
Final Grade = C/D

oh yh i had business after that.. the main exam went cool... for you east londernes my case study was on MOBEEN! and i go pass 2 mobeens every day on the way to college im done with the exam yet still cant get away from it! the retake however i think it went crappish
Final grade = C

MY last exam was media.. had the half term to revise for that but it didnt go to well on revison.. it was just both our teachers had left... 2 monthes back and the new ones were crap or kept canceling lessons so we all stopped going to lessons... Media was my most confident subject but i truley felt lost with it now... From that A i wanted... i'm just happy getting a C now.... aslong as its a pass so i can move on to A2 wht makes it worse its wht i wanna do in uni!
So yeh the exam it self....
funny story actually on the way to college that day... my drink had opened in my bag and since my 3d design sketch book was due that day it got drink all over its an A3 sketch book as well.. so all the corners had a nice purple stain.. found my teacher all paniky.. and he being the safe dude he is was like carm down ill sort it out.. so gave it 2 him he dried it however it wasnt all clean : - (
anyways had my exam... 5 mins clip on stormbreaker however we had to write our notes in the dark :S stupid OCR dunno how i did but i managed... funny thing was i had finshed my book and had to keep putting my hand up and kept asking for paper.. everyone was just finkin wht der hell.... so yh i think i used like 6-8 extra papers thats for like all the sections film first then we had magazine stuff... and then technolgy ...
as soon as i was done with the exam.. my smile could not go away... was smiling like crazy i was FREEE!
Final Grade = B/C


hmm so that was exam stuff... results not till 14th august Pakistan independence day better bring good luck! after that i was pretty much free... and hit oxford street to give CVs out as im on a job finding mission and stuff ... and became a tourist in london as well.. went hamleys played with toys was fun! and trocadero... yeh baby the dance machineee... and just nice day random walk... nice being a tourist in the city ive lived in all my life lol oh and saw americans thru that telescope fing i made a thread about... oh yh linked old mates.. was nice seeing them after ageas.. where just how we are.. love it! went afters had mango and vanilia milkshake was yum went to our old school after to find teachers was funny .. and the place where we use to chill we grafityed it before we left.. with our tag MARPNz .... our first name initials put 2geta... and well that had disapeard just like i suppose the real MARPNz crew friendship did 2

erm wht else have i been up 2? *thinks*

Architecture Crew.

oh yh architecture crewwww stuff you no my youth things im always doing.. since im so pro active tis good you get a wicked CV and good results in the end...

made a podcast thing about the olympics went holden point where you get a view of the whole olympic area... where everything being built...

On 21s June... another one for you east londerners im going to be coming in an ice cream van.. well kind of .... where part of the olympic 2012 high street consalation project... so were going to be out there from startford to bow i think? asking people what they'd like as thats the road the 2012 marthon race going to be on....

Oh yh.... Stratford Park... Lift Festival!


It's this building we helped create a while back.... part of the consulation.. its a mobile building thats going places... so its going to go around the world... stuff to do with creative stuff... Olympics, drama, dance even partys can be held there! We get special preiview 2mrw.. and theres going to be a mural with our names on it ( well thats wht it said on the letter) as a way to say thank you to all the people that helped... so thats like young people... the kids.. us lot... even old people.. just random strangers in a way lol

what my point really is about it all is... that young ones.. get involved in your community its good to... cuz you have so much more to gain from things outside school and stuff.. i mean were going to start personal statment this week and i have so much shit i can chat about due to my experiences and you all know how i had trouble finding a job? well thanks to Fundamental.. Architecture crew... i've been offerd one.. well kind of.. its like little events once in a while... about the olympics... like the delivery authority and stuff.. like you let people know whats happning and stuff..... and yes people may think geek stuff.. she does all this and that but in the end i'll have one up from the rest .... so yeh people GET INVOLVED WITH YOUR COMMUNITY!

George Bush

blaah ive gone on for a while now.. oh yeh.. George Bush is coming on sunday..
Parliament Square 5pm Demonstration.. be there if you can..
helped gave out some leaflets 2day on green street with the newham stop the war group.. was fun in a way lol sum lady goes to us thats promating haterd? LMAO... and sum dude winked twat but yh it was on green street so what do you expect? lol ahh its fun being on the streets you notice things more lol

RIght i think i'll shut up now.... i go on a lot don't i?
they did name me motor mouth in my year book lol

oki dokey bye bloggy....

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  1. Ranj's Avatar
    Gosh what a read

    Congrats on getting your job offer!

    That life festival mural thing looks pretty interesting, this must be all for the lead up to the 2012 Olympics?
  2. Cheeky_Princess's Avatar
    LOL haha im sorry ranj i go on for a bit.. didnt think no1 was gnna read it so thanks for reading lol i just like lookin back on these blogs after ageas cuz its funny lol

    Hehe thank you

    yeh it is a run up to 2012 the buildings gnna go around london the uk then of into the world sumwere

    went to the openin cermony... oh it was good from the inside really liked it! and my name was on the door where all the thank you people were mentioned proud moment lol
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