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Thread: GCSE'S

  1. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by ~Fire-Hazard~ View Post
    I have 13 GCSE's - A*to C

    IRB - I have to agree with Guji-Ji on this one.. It is all about how you choose to live. You have a whole life ahead of you. Take it from someone who has and is still living in a very similar area to yours, and I turned out ok-ish lol.

    Sometimes you just gotta cut your ties with everything and everyone, and the most helpful time to do that will be after your GCSE's where you will (insha'allah) go to another college in another area, and then CHOOSE to befriend people who are a lot more of a better influence on your studies and your life.

    Before you can do all that though, you have to shake off this mentality that you are doomed and you won't survive till you are 20! You are going to have to work and struggle big time just to get them 5 passes at least, so you can then move on with your life. You're only 14. Don't waste your time on waste and negative mentality.

    My sister is the same age as you, and I would have backhanded her if she thought the same way you did! And she is working hard, just so she can leave the ghetto school and go to a nice 6th form or college, just like I did.

    Sorry for sounding like a grandma.

    You can do it! I have faith in you!
    ...damn, ive never felt so..ive never felt this wierd feeling before, thats probably the best ever advice anyone has ever given me, and i cant believe its on the internet - Thanks Fire, and Guji, seriously guys i just realised what a "ignorant twatt" lets say ive been, OMG WTF AM I DOING? all you other guys laughing behind your monitor can continue.

    Big thanks Fire & Guji.

  2. #62
    Respected Member Guji-Ji's Avatar
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    As your favourite poet said:

    Come listen to my truest thoughts, my truest feelings
    All my peers doing years beyond drug dealing
    How many caskets can we witness
    Before we see it's hard to live
    This life without God, so we must ask forgiveness

    ^^Thanks to the Evil_G^^

  3. #63
    Respected Member Cheeky_Princess's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IslamicRageBoy View Post
    Its too late for me to turn back now, my life has fallen victim to the culture, it clouds my mind and shrouds my future.

    TBH, i dont expect to see my 20th birthday if i continue living where i am.
    Quote Originally Posted by ~Fire-Hazard~ View Post
    I have 13 GCSE's - A*to C

    IRB - I have to agree with Guji-Ji on this one.. It is all about how you choose to live. You have a whole life ahead of you. Take it from someone who has and is still living in a very similar area to yours, and I turned out ok-ish lol.

    Sometimes you just gotta cut your ties with everything and everyone, and the most helpful time to do that will be after your GCSE's where you will (insha'allah) go to another college in another area, and then CHOOSE to befriend people who are a lot more of a better influence on your studies and your life.

    Before you can do all that though, you have to shake off this mentality that you are doomed and you won't survive till you are 20! You are going to have to work and struggle big time just to get them 5 passes at least, so you can then move on with your life. You're only 14. Don't waste your time on waste and negative mentality.

    My sister is the same age as you, and I would have backhanded her if she thought the same way you did! And she is working hard, just so she can leave the ghetto school and go to a nice 6th form or college, just like I did.

    Sorry for sounding like a grandma.

    You can do it! I have faith in you!
    Quote Originally Posted by IslamicRageBoy View Post
    ...damn, ive never felt so..ive never felt this wierd feeling before, thats probably the best ever advice anyone has ever given me, and i cant believe its on the internet - Thanks Fire, and Guji, seriously guys i just realised what a "ignorant twatt" lets say ive been, OMG WTF AM I DOING? all you other guys laughing behind your monitor can continue.

    Big thanks Fire & Guji.
    To be honest Fire and Guji have put into words what i was going to say but yes to add trust me most of us are from getto ends and went to shit school but we have all turned out alright. Don't feel you won't live till your 20?
    Look beyond your area.. there is a world out there.. a world where you belong legally and a world where your parents will be proud to have a son like you.
    I've come across plenty people like you who messed about in there young days but do you no what they become one of those most inspiring people ever a lot of them go on to become teachers, youth workers to make sure other young people don't make the same mistakes as them.

    And to be honest i did think of you as ignorant twat but the way forward is not be so ignorant and your already making your first steps to well "Freedom". We may be people on the internet but at the end of the day we are real people behind these screens who probably went thru similar life expiernces as yours... Don't feel the way forward is to belong in a "gang" no the way forward is to belong in this world....

    I shall shut up now but if you ever want to speak feel free to pm me x

  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheeky_Princess View Post
    i did think of you as ignorant twat
    Thats nice to know, but anyway - im so glad i had joined this place, probably the most reliable source for honest opinions and feedback, im very greatful to you, Guj and Fire, and everyone else as a matter of fact, at first i was actually quite good, i used to pray, respect my parents and everyone around me, but then i started yr7, the worst period of my life, ive lost count of how many times i was robbed at knife point, i so one day it was decidedly so i decided to carry a 7" blade, lunch started and my daily routine of being robbed by the same guy started, he pulled out a knife and said "What have you got for me?", i said i got this, bitch! All his friends were there and witnessed me whip out my shank, he said allow this shit and never bothered me again, next day i see my facebook spammed with friend requests, all of them whom had respected me for scaring of 'BigMo', from then on i started robbing people, the feeling of power and respect flowing through me was addictive, but best of all was the fear, it what kept me going, then i got into stuff i dont wanna mention because thats a chapter in my life i never wish to speak of again, i started robbing on a regular basis and i came to be known as MadGrindZ SN1 Representing, but what you guys just told me now made me realise, i have become the very thing i hated the most.

    Ok i dont wanna spam anymore so il just post elsewere on the forums.

    Thank you once again!

  5. #65
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    I wonder what P-Unit and SMS would've thought of all this!

  6. #66
    Respected Member Cheeky_Princess's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IslamicRageBoy View Post
    Thats nice to know, but anyway - im so glad i had joined this place, probably the most reliable source for honest opinions and feedback, im very greatful to you, Guj and Fire, and everyone else as a matter of fact, at first i was actually quite good, i used to pray, respect my parents and everyone around me, but then i started yr7, the worst period of my life, ive lost count of how many times i was robbed at knife point, i so one day it was decidedly so i decided to carry a 7" blade, lunch started and my daily routine of being robbed by the same guy started, he pulled out a knife and said "What have you got for me?", i said i got this, bitch! All his friends were there and witnessed me whip out my shank, he said allow this shit and never bothered me again, next day i see my facebook spammed with friend requests, all of them whom had respected me for scaring of 'BigMo', from then on i started robbing people, the feeling of power and respect flowing through me was addictive, but best of all was the fear, it what kept me going, then i got into stuff i dont wanna mention because thats a chapter in my life i never wish to speak of again, i started robbing on a regular basis and i came to be known as MadGrindZ SN1 Representing, but what you guys just told me now made me realise, i have become the very thing i hated the most.

    Ok i dont wanna spam anymore so il just post elsewere on the forums.

    Thank you once again!
    Man I'm honest thats what i am..
    but reading your story that is the exact reason why most people stray and end up on the bad side.. its done out of fear at first you were protecting yourself but then you started to love to have that power and be "respected" on the streets... but remember that respect will always be temporary you need to make sure you are respected in life but not for a few years of your life.. for the rest of your life... and like you said you have become what you hated the most. Your still young man remember that at 14.. everything in life is a learning experience so everything happens for a reason.. go back to how you once were. Or try and stay out of trouble like fire hazard said be patient, work hard for your GCSEs and then well get out of the place go to a good sixth form and inshallah you'll be fine

  7. #67
    Member ~Fire-Hazard~'s Avatar
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    Hey no probs IRB! I know many of the members here think I'm just a sarcastic *bleep* but I've come across you on other forums and you're a very smart young man! If you need to chat or anything, feel free to drop me a private message!

  8. #68
    Loyal Member Evil_Genious's Avatar
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    Only pussies rob people.

    I used to fight for no reason back in the day, but I never robbed no man. I grew up in London, I got beaten up by gangs, I been beaten by amateur boxers, hell someone even tried to stab me with a screwdriver for a fucken Nokia 8210...

    But I was never stupid, and eventually if you're given the tools and the insight to fix yourself up, you will. As I did, and I graduated with a 1st Class in Computer Science, and now I work for one of the top IT consultancies in the country.

    Don't wallow in your own self pity, you're 14 for fucks sake. If you feelin depressed about the cards you been dealt now, just wait til you get older. Shit gets heavy. Nothing in this world is free. Not even sympathy, and if your searching for it, and perhaps recieving it from some members, you won't get it from all. Because you're able bodied, young and given some knowledge and strength by the allmighty. But if you choose to waste that, then you don't get that sympathy. Coz some people don't get a chance to have what you have. Don't live for yourself, live for the people who love you.

    Anyway. Whatever.

    "I'll let you break me off, but I won't let you break my heart"

  9. #69
    Forum Addict! StyLeZ's Avatar
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    what the...?? i leave this thread for a day and come back on now and it has NOTHING to do with gcse's lol im reading stories about how people grew up ???

  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zero View Post
    I wonder what P-Unit and SMS would've thought of all this!
    Errm i was a former member in SMS, well Y.SMS that is.

    @Cheeky: Yeah i hope to do good, from now on i shall only ride for my deen, goodbye TrapStar Giggs, goodbye SN1, goodbye Wooly Road (well im stuck here for now =[).

    @Fire: You're not a sarcastic *bleep*, just a truthful person, i will thanks.

    @E_G: I did not come here to look for sympathy/attention, but i see what you mean - I want to do Computer Science, sriously i want to be a games programmer, thanks to you too man.

    @ StyleZ: dont worry il stop now, please no one quote/reply to this.

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