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Thread: Does watching Porn really damage the brain?

  1. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iroquois Pliskin View Post
    Getting off porn is easy said than done and if i made a reference to masterbation, that too lol. Porn is so easy accessible its shocking to say the least. As to your question, no but seeing fit women and going through a list of things you'd do to her in your mind but not showing any signs what your mind is going through, thats a problem.

    I used to have a clean mind, now its a struggle to go back to that state.
    Pliskin dude, you have a wife! Lol.. Honestly my wife (not that I have one) looking at other men and thinking of what she'd do to them would be the last thing I'd want..

    It's actually easy to get rid of porn if you tried your hardest lol. Not gonna comment on masturbation though.. Faith plays a huge part therefore I've always stayed away from that shit.

    Porn IS damaging though.. by 'damaging the brain' I didn't mean as in literally.. It's just pure filth. I mean, if a guy wouldn't like to see his female relatives being in that industry then it's just hypocritical to watch it. Which is why I steer clear from it now.. And I can honestly say it's made a huge difference lol. In a good way obviously..

    If I was already committed to someone, that'd be a different story.. Whether it's thinking or looking at someone else in a lustful way - it's still cheating.

  2. #17
    Respected Member Iroquois Pliskin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hiroshi View Post
    Pliskin dude, you have a wife! Lol.. Honestly my wife (not that I have one) looking at other men and thinking of what she'd do to them would be the last thing I'd want..

    It's actually easy to get rid of porn if you tried your hardest lol. Not gonna comment on masturbation though.. Faith plays a huge part therefore I've always stayed away from that shit.

    Porn IS damaging though.. by 'damaging the brain' I didn't mean as in literally.. It's just pure filth. I mean, if a guy wouldn't like to see his female relatives being in that industry then it's just hypocritical to watch it. Which is why I steer clear from it now.. And I can honestly say it's made a huge difference lol. In a good way obviously..

    If I was already committed to someone, that'd be a different story.. Whether it's thinking or looking at someone else in a lustful way - it's still cheating.
    I can steer clear from all this sin if I was in a pure state, as in, just had a shower, did wudhu im good to go, but it lasts a while before I get the urge to do some naughty stuff. This would say weird but gaming took the pressure off my mind of doing anything which isn't good until my computer stopped working one day. Now Im struggling to fill in this gap which before gaming, used to be online poker, and ofcourse porn at times.

    Movies and music sometimes do help but I miss the gaming.

    Women, committed or not, in general do not think like men do, sex on the mind all the time. It may vary though depending on ethnicity or maybe even faith. My wife sometimes teases me that oh he's hot, good looking, but would say she she would do things to a man, no. Neither would I in her presence, thats just not right. Since she's not from UK but has an open mind when we talk like this and doesn't mind, im glad coz people from pakistan or anywhere else bring their thinking of back home with them and that becomes an obstacle in a relationship.

    Don't get me wrong. I have my limits and don't go beyond them. I have responsibilities and a handsome boy, why would I want to fuck that up over stupid shit like what I just mentioned in my post and previous post? Top of that, Im a hafiz, that too is a motivation to stop this and focus on that, which at the moment isn't easy without some help.
    Last edited by Iroquois Pliskin; 17-01-2012 at 21:04.

  3. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iroquois Pliskin View Post
    I can steer clear from all this sin if I was in a pure state, as in, just had a shower, did wudhu im good to go, but it lasts a while before I get the urge to do some naughty stuff. This would say weird but gaming took the pressure off my mind of doing anything which isn't good until my computer stopped working one day. Now Im struggling to fill in this gap which before gaming, used to be online poker, and ofcourse porn at times.

    Movies and music sometimes do help but I miss the gaming.

    Women, committed or not, in general do not think like men do, sex on the mind all the time. It may vary though depending on ethnicity or maybe even faith. My wife sometimes teases me that oh he's hot, good looking, but would say she she would do things to a man, no. Neither would I in her presence, thats just not right. Since she's not from UK but has an open mind when we talk like this and doesn't mind, im glad coz people from pakistan or anywhere else bring their thinking of back home with them and that becomes an obstacle in a relationship.

    Don't get me wrong. I have my limits and don't go beyond them. I have responsibilities and a handsome boy, why would I want to fuck that up over stupid shit like what I just mentioned in my post and previous post? Top of that, Im a hafiz, that too is a motivation to stop this and focus on that, which at the moment isn't easy without some help.
    Well I'm glad you're trying to find ways to keep your mind off of these things. It ain't impossible if you put your mind to it, Insh'Allah you'll succeed. One of the reasons why I've stopped is because of Faith & the fear of the Judgement Day. BUT because I understand people have different beliefs I didn't bring that up.

    I'm not committed to anyone at the mo, so that isn't the case for me..
    Yeah I know a man's brain is wired differently than women but that doesn't give us a reason to lust over another woman - it doesn't justify it, it doesn't make it right. And I'm kinda sick of people trying to justify this type of act by saying; "That's just the way men are!" No, I'm sorry that's horse shit lol. It's different to look at someone and think they're good looking & all that, but I don't think that's necessarily in a lustful way..

    Also I don't think it has anything to do with back home/old-fashioned thinking. I've got some white mates who wouldn't like their 'other half' to lust over another person 'cause that's just another form of cheating.. Maybe not as serious as actually taking action upon it but still not justifiable.

    Depends though.. Some couples are fine with each other watching that stuff (which I personally find disgusting anyways but each to their own right?) But then there's some who do it behind their spouse's back, which again = cheating.

    The way I see it, sex is meant to be full of emotions - not something so exploited and abused.

    ^ Thas a whole different subject though.

    Other than that, I've stated my reasons in a previous (more detailed) post. Everyone has their own opinions I guess lol. Though it doesn't change the fact that porn is quite damaging..

  4. #19
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    Just wanted to add this to my rant lol.

    Saying that all a man has on his mind is 'sex' just makes us all men look so bad. There's a lot of respectable men out there, who don't like to objectify women. May be rare but yeah.. Porn is all about objectifying women & sex. If someone finds that immoral (which it is), why watch it right?

    If a woman can be loyal when committed to a man, same should apply to the man. No excuses, no justifications. It's a relationship of two, not one.
    Last edited by Hiroshi; 17-01-2012 at 23:34.

  5. #20
    Respected Member Iroquois Pliskin's Avatar
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    Think it comes down to many factors.

    Back to topic, I think porn does affect the brain, you perceive women differently if you've been exposed to it for a while. I think Im one of them but whats stopping me from acting it out? My belief, which is a contradiction, I shouldn't even be watching that shit in the first place but thats one.

    My upbringing is another. My mother in particularly kept a close eye on me when it came to watching tv, as I grew older she evidently showed how grossed out she was when she saw someone on tv semi nude or maybe someone not dressed appropriately in the streets.

    Overall I find porn somewhat boring now. Its fake, not the sex but the emotions. You can tell. Some are forced into the trade, some who are broke can't find a way to make money and do it. Part you've mentioned, could be someone's daughter, wife, sister, even mother.

    Even day to day stuff you can't help but see things, I was in a hospital one time visiting my cousin sister, saw a woman in a short skirt, she was quite old so you know, don't even go there. Next I see 2 hot girls, assuming they're her daughters stroll in with short skirts. Thoughts running through your mind or not?

    Work at a store, see some people in revealing clothes on a day to day basic. What gives?

    I should get a noble prize for not getting a boner.

    In going to be 27 soon but younger days I was all over this shit, couldn't get enough, now.. Im slowly finding other means to totally avoid this. Like I said, music, movies and gaming. Somewhere down the line, my faith will be just about all I need to keep myself from harmful stuff.

    Add to this wall of text, I don't know you well enough and this IS the internet, some things can't be said to give you a deeper understanding of some of the actions people take which isn't right or your definition, cheating.
    Last edited by Iroquois Pliskin; 18-01-2012 at 02:11.

  6. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iroquois Pliskin View Post
    Think it comes down to many factors.

    Back to topic, I think porn does affect the brain, you perceive women differently if you've been exposed to it for a while. I think Im one of them but whats stopping me from acting it out? My belief, which is a contradiction, I shouldn't even be watching that shit in the first place but thats one.

    My upbringing is another. My mother in particularly kept a close eye on me when it came to watching tv, as I grew older she evidently showed how grossed out she was when she saw someone on tv semi nude or maybe someone not dressed appropriately in the streets.

    Overall I find porn somewhat boring now. Its fake, not the sex but the emotions. You can tell. Some are forced into the trade, some who are broke can't find a way to make money and do it. Part you've mentioned, could be someone's daughter, wife, sister, even mother.

    Even day to day stuff you can't help but see things, I was in a hospital one time visiting my cousin sister, saw a woman in a short skirt, she was quite old so you know, don't even go there. Next I see 2 hot girls, assuming they're her daughters stroll in with short skirts. Thoughts running through your mind or not?

    Work at a store, see some people in revealing clothes on a day to day basic. What gives?

    I should get a noble prize for not getting a boner.

    In going to be 27 soon but younger days I was all over this shit, couldn't get enough, now.. Im slowly finding other means to totally avoid this. Like I said, music, movies and gaming. Somewhere down the line, my faith will be just about all I need to keep myself from harmful stuff.

    Add to this wall of text, I don't know you well enough and this IS the internet, some things can't be said to give you a deeper understanding of some of the actions people take which isn't right or your definition, cheating.
    Nope. Maybe because I'm committed to my other half enough to not care about what's available out there? Faith plays a huge part as well. Maybe I'm just too 'old fashioned' because these days, most people seem to believe that 'getting off on some porn', or 'checking someone out' other than your own spouse is no biggie.. I take these things seriously though because thoughts can become actions, and you're accountable for your thoughts too.

    Allhamdulillah I haven't ever watched that crap again for nearly a year now. Inshallah shall stay that way lol.

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