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Pakistani Sprint Queen "Naseem Hameed
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Thread: Pakistani Sprint Queen "Naseem Hameed

  1. #1
    Advanced Member YouthFul's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Pakistani Sprint Queen "Naseem Hameed

    Pakistani Sprint Queen "Naseem Hameed


    Naseem became the fastest South Asian woman on February 11th, 2010, when she clocked 11.81 s. to win 100m sprint, a feat no Pakistani woman had achieved before.

    The 22-year old from a poor family of Karachi, lives in a 40 square yards house with her family in Korangi.

    Her laborer Father, Mother,

    Naseem won the 100-meter sprint competition in the 2010 South Asian Games, setting a new South Asian record with 11.81 seconds. She did not just make history as the fastest woman in South Asia, but became the first ever woman gold medalist in the 62-year history of Pakistan.

    I have no words to be thankful to Allah. It is just because of His grace and the prayers of my parents, that I have achieved this all," said anemotional Naseem.

    "My father is a laborer with asthma. He worked so hard for us, and my mother equally supported him by making paper envelopes at home. It’s they who should actually be credited for whatever I am," the Muslim girl said humbly.
    "My relatives were not happy with my participation in sports. They objected many times asking my father to stop me. But he never did that."
    Naseem plans to take her parents to hajj as a small token of appreciation.
    "It has always been my dream to send my parents for Hajj. Allah has listened to me," she added jubilantly.

    "I have various plans to utilize this money, but my top most priority is to go to the Holy Land Inshaullah this year to perform Hajj. I believe this would be the best way to thank Allah."

    President Asif Ali Zardari Present a check of Rs. 1 million to Naseem at a ceremony in Islamabad

    Well Done ' Naseem Hameed' We are proud of you.

    Give Respect Take Respect Thanks.....

  2. #2
    Loyal Member incredible's Avatar
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    awww bless! good on her.

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  3. #3
    Advanced Member YouthFul's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

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    Pakistani Sprint Queen "Naseem Hameed"

    Naseem became the fastest South Asian woman on February 11th, 2010, when she clocked 11.81 s. to win 100m sprint, a feat no Pakistani woman had achieved before.

    The 22-year old from a poor family of Karachi, lives in a 40 square yards house with her family in Korangi.

    Her laborer Father, Mother,

    Naseem won the 100-meter sprint competition in the 2010 South Asian Games, setting a new South Asian record with 11.81 seconds. She did not just make history as the fastest woman in South Asia, but became the first ever woman gold medalist in the 62-year history of Pakistan.

    I have no words to be thankful to Allah. It is just because of His grace and the prayers of my parents, that I have achieved this all," said anemotional Naseem.

    "My father is a laborer with asthma. He worked so hard for us, and my mother equally supported him by making paper envelopes at home. It’s they who should actually be credited for whatever I am," the Muslim girl said humbly.

    "My relatives were not happy with my participation in sports. They objected many times asking my father to stop me. But he never did that."

    President Asif Ali Zardari Present a check of Rs. 1 million to Naseem at a ceremony in Islamabad

    Naseem plans to take her parents to hajj as a small token of appreciation.
    "It has always been my dream to send my parents for Hajj. Allah has listened to me," she added jubilantly.

    "I have various plans to utilize this money, but my top most priority is to go to the Holy Land Inshaullah this year to perform Hajj. I believe this would be the best way to thank Allah."

    Well Done 'Naseem Hameed' We are proud of you.

    Give Respect Take Respect Thanks.....

  4. #4
    Advanced Member
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    you wouldn't wanna piss her off, she'd easily chase you down..

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