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come share your recipes and tips and tricks
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Thread: come share your recipes and tips and tricks

  1. #1
    Just Landed!
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    Default come share your recipes and tips and tricks

    im not sure whether there is a thread on this or not, if there is could u plz link this thread with the other one thanks,

    i will share a recipe with u, my version of chicken enchiladas

    8 flour tortillas,
    for the tomato sauce:-
    2 tblsp olive oil
    1 red onion chopped
    1 tsp crushed garlic
    1 tsp dried oregano
    400g tin of chopped tomatoes
    2 tblsp tomato puree
    2 tblsp sundried tomato puree
    2 tsp sugar
    for the chicken filling
    1 tblsp olive oil
    1 clove crushed garlic
    1 red onion chopped
    1 red pepper deseeded and chopped
    1 small courgette diced
    350g minced chicken
    200g grated cheddar cheese

    To make the sauce heat the oil in a large saucepan, and saute the on onions for 5 minutes until soft, addd the garlic and cook for a further minute then add the remaining ingredients, bring to the boil and simmer for 20 minutes, season with salt and pepper blend until smooth for the chicken filling, heat the oil in a pan add the onion saute for 5 minutes stir in the garlic, pepper, courgette and mince and cook for a further 10 minutes season with salt and pepper, cook for a further 7-8 minutes until the chicken is cooked through, stir in half the cheese until melted, heat the oven gas mark 6 oil a large pan warm the tortillas lay them out flat add a spoonfull of the mix on top of each and roll the tortillas up put in the dish seam side down, spoon over the sauce then sprinkle on the remaining cheese, bake for 15-20 minutes until the filling is hot and the cheese has melted. enjoy!

  2. #2
    Just Landed!
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    moderators could u plz delete this thread, i have got two of the same. thank you

  3. #3
    Member SweetSuga's Avatar
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    Omgosh my mouth just watered reading that :O

    What deserts do you make? I can never find good recipes on the internet that actually turn out how they say
    OooOo. What does this button do?

    class SweetSuga {

    double theFun;
    short attentionSpan;
    long legs;
    void bankBalance()
    float yourBoat;
    char sweet;

  4. #4
    Respected Member DJ B4VVY's Avatar
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    Here's one of mine, I'll try and find others (if I have anymore!):


    Edit: I found another one, don't think I've done anymore:

    Last edited by DJ B4VVY; 19-05-2010 at 21:47.

  5. #5
    Respected Member $xy $onz's Avatar
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    i been told i make da best chutney i have toooo many ingrediants for it loolz only my mummy knows wat i put in it its a secret hehe

  6. #6
    Respected Member Spider Pig's Avatar
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    you need to taste my chutney, you will never want anything else again.

    Quote Originally Posted by Spider Line
    where there's a pill there's a way


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