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tis eid.

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well its eid today...tis been a very eventful day my friends car got toed away and then i get so much verbal abbuse from my big great my eid has been.

why is it that evryones gets all mooody and depressed on eid?


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  1. Cheeky_Princess's Avatar
    so true axii..
    i mean ive noticed every eid i have... ive always cried my mum starts switchin ... u havnt set the plates out ...
    and like we dnt do much on eid neways.. so for me its like i cnt even go on the laptop cuz mum will say " cnt u even leave ur laptop on eid day"

    gosh *sigh* its life...
  2. Enchantress's Avatar
    I think cos Eid is meant to be such a happy time, you naturally think of all the things that are or have gone wrong..those things stand out. Afleh.
  3. MR WHO's Avatar
    lol................yeh lena's car got toed, i came an lena goes her car is gone somthing about £250
    damn thats a bummer of a money spendin on eid day.. @_@
    yeh i went mosque..then went to ur ends... then after went stratford...then after chilld wid mates...then after was stuck in traffic an it raind so street was closed off, an gettin to east ham was a mission... what a bummer... later that night went to pick up my mates from there dandiyaa place... was ok at night... ^_^
    but sure...eid was a mess... but in the end...atleast i saw my family ^_^

    donno why we get so depressed on eid..maybe cuz... we all lost that wonderful feelin we had as a child... ey donoo
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